How To Send Personalized Messages To Connect with Someone

Shantanu Bhola
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2023
How to Send Personalized Messages to Connect with Someone

“Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.”

– Gerald R. Ford, former United States president

Whether you’re working, studying, or in any other field, it’s obvious that you need to connect with someone at your level. It’s about how do you connect with someone? How do you present yourself? How would you add value to your contacts? People are bored with robotic relationship scripts, they need someone to connect with heart warmth.

In our fast-paced digital age, real relationships often take a back seat to the convenience of instant messaging. Yet sending a personal message can bridge the gap between virtual interactions and meaningful relationships. Whether it’s a potential client, a distant relative, or a new friend: Personal messages show that you value the recipient and are willing to make the effort to build a deeper connection.

What is a personalized message?

People love the wishes, the pampering, and the values they get from others. A personalized message is a message that is specifically addressed to one person. It is not a “one size fits all” message like the old traditional messages. It can include the person’s name, references to past interactions, or specific preferences. In a business context, personalized messages have proven to be more effective in targeting customers than a generic approach. These special messages can take various forms, such as emails, text messages, or even targeted advertising. Overall, personalization remains a cornerstone of modern communication strategies.

10 key strategies for sending personalized messages that really work

Here are 10 strategies you can use to write personalized messages:

#1 Research and understand your recipient

The cornerstone of any personalized message is a solid understanding of the person you’re addressing.

Scour their social media profiles, read their blog posts, or engage with their professional accomplishments. Why is this necessary? Because it’ll help you get to know the person you’re trying to connect with.

#2 Acknowledge common interests or experiences

Mentioning common interests, experiences, or even mutual acquaintances can create an instant connection. If you start a discussion on a common topic, that will be helpful in building a personal interaction.

#3 Personalize the greeting

Use the recipient’s name and, if appropriate, a casual greeting that reflects your relationship.

For example, “Hello [name], I hope this message finds you well,” provides a warm and pleasant tone. Why is this necessary? People don’t like formality; they need someone who gets to the point and adds value, not talks like a “sales script”.

#4 Tailor the content to the recipient’s preferences

Match the style and tone of your message to the recipient’s communication style. If he’s more formal and reserved, maintain a professional tone. By doing so, you’re showing that you’re attuned to their preferences. On the other hand, you’re also showing a sense of respect.

#5 Show genuine interest and give sincere compliments

Be specific in your compliments and show that you have considered their accomplishments or qualities. Avoid general praise and instead highlight something unique that you genuinely admire.

Listen and respond to them attentively. Make them feel that you’re here to listen to them.

#6 Share relevant information or resources

Always be helpful when sending a personalized message. Share a resource that piques your recipient’s interest. This could be an article, a podcast, or a recent development in the industry. This way, you show that you’re willing to make a positive contribution to their interests.

#7 Ask thoughtful questions

Ask questions that seem relevant to your recipient’s interest. Why is this important? Because that’s how you break the ice and light the fire of communication. After all, that’s the game of communication. Right?

#8 Offer help or support

If there is an opportunity to help or provide support, don’t hesitate to offer it. Whether you offer advice, pass along a resource, or offer your help, this gesture can strengthen your relationship.

For example, a group of people write to me on my LinkedIn account and ask me questions about writing content. So I help them and also share my free learning resources with them. Why do I do this Because the world is a lonely game, so why live alone? Let’s make friends, let’s help someone achieve their goal.

#9 Be patient and respect the boundaries

Don’t be pushy if the recipient isn’t interested in contacting you. Respect his decision and keep the boundaries.

When dealing with a customer, don’t be too aggressive or too personal, but maintain a sense of professionalism.

#10 Follow up and stay consistent

After the initial contact, don’t let the connection slip. Check in periodically with news, important information, or just a friendly response. Consistency shows that you’re committed to maintaining the relationship.

A Few Templates You Can Simply Use…

Template 1:

Personalized message template 1

This template can be used to get in touch with an industry expert and ask for their advice, especially for those starting out in the profession.

If the event is organized by your client or partner, you can send a short, crisp, and personalized message to express your interest

When sending personalized messages to mutual connections, you can write like this.

Template 2:

Personalized message template 2

If you’re trying to get in touch with an old friend, you can write a personalized message this way.

Template 3:

Personalized template 3

Wrap Up

Sending personal messages is an art that requires sincerity, effort, and genuine interest in the recipient. Take the time to write a message that is tailored to the person you’re addressing, and proofread your message before sending it.



Shantanu Bhola

Hello! I’m Shantanu, Freelance Content Writer | Graphic Designer | Researcher | Bookworm :) Follow me on twitter -