Image created by me from my own photo, 21 Oct 2022.

How to Smooth Jagged Pixelation Round a Tapering Image

Perhaps Common Knowledge to Some, but a Revelation to Me

James Krallen
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2022


Today, I stumbled upon another interesting discovery whilst using Pixlr Pro. It happened after I had been struggling to solve a particular problem. This was my problem: I wanted to layer a small image on top of a larger one, but the small image was in a lower res, so when shrunk down its border was distorted by jagged pixels. I don’t know much about vector files and wanted to solve my problem without watching a lot of tutorial videos. Luckily, whilst experimenting with Pixlr, I made the following discovery.

Not only can you refine the border of an image by adding 1 pixel at a time, but you can actually refine the pixels themselves by varying the Opacity. This works particularly well for an image that tapers to some degree.

This Is How It’s Done

Zoom in until the image is huge and fills the screen. Click on Draw which you will find in the left-hand-side toolbar. Along the top of your screen, you should see an option for Brush, and beside it, the brush size (usually set to 40 by default). Click on the brush size and reduce it to 1. This means your brush will color just 1 pixel at a time; so you can hone in on those tiny details. Once you have done this, click on Opacity



James Krallen

Hey everyone. I’m a novelist, short stories writer, and poet. I also write articles to help others. My aim is to inspire, inform, and entertain. Let’s interact!