How To Use Videos For Promoting Your SaaS Product

Drive more leads and sales with little effort

Komal Chaturvedi
5 min readDec 16, 2022


SaaS explainer video image

It’s no secret that video marketing is a must-have tool if you want to succeed in the SaaS market. Videos can help you drive more leads and sales with little effort. The chances of closing deals for SaaS businesses using videos are 41% higher.

But it isn’t as easy as you think. You might have seen SaaS explainer video companies using video marketing, but not all of them succeed.

Why? They don’t know how to use videos to promote their products effectively.

Video marketing needs a proper strategy in place. You should know where and when to distribute the videos, what content to produce, and how to reach them.

This blog will show how SaaS marketers can effectively promote products using videos.

How to promote SaaS products with videos?

1. Create Product Demo Videos For Your Saas Product

Whenever I want to purchase a SaaS product, I instinctively look up product demo videos. Why? Because through product demo videos, I can see how the product works and how it can solve my problem.

Similarly, whenever prospective buyers search for your product, they prefer to watch a video to learn more about it. That is why SaaS product demo videos are the best way to promote your SaaS products.

These videos can easily convince prospects that your SaaS product is the best solution for their problems and that it is easy to use. Through product videos, customers can see the product in action and understand how it works.

This can be quite challenging to convey through written content as SaaS products are very complex.

There are two ways you can create product demo videos for your SaaS:

Record yourself creating the videos-

These videos include screen recording software to record your computer screen. In this method, you’ll have to record your computer screen while using your product and talking about it.

While this is cheaper and more reliable, it can be challenging as uh have to focus on voiceover and operation simultaneously or the video might have some audio delay.

1. Use animated product videos-

Creating animated product videos is a much better option when you want to show the technicalities behind your product.

Animated product videos are also more engaging and drive more conversions. But animated product videos can be challenging to make and often require a professional video production team.

2. Use Videos To Create Brand Awareness

Your videos are not going to reach the audience at the right time if they’re not aware of your brand. Brand awareness videos can help you introduce the brand to prospective customers.

These videos are promotional videos that introduce the brand and tell your audience why they should choose you which will Convince them to choose you over other products available in the industry.

There are many ways you can create brand awareness videos. For example, you can use a series of interviews with real people talking about their experience using your product.

You can create explainer videos to explain your product benefits creatively. You can also create culture videos to show your company culture and why your employees love working for your explainer video company.

3. Use videos in the Email

Another fantastic way to promote your SaaS product is by sharing product videos through email.

SaaS businesses always ask for the email of customers signing up for their products. Having a long email list can help SaaS businesses in many ways — you can sell your products, offer free resources, or inform customers about product upgrades.

Whenever you create a new product, you can introduce your customers to the product by attaching a video to the email. In fact, using videos in your email campaigns can increase click rates by 95%.

SaaS brands can also use videos in emails to inform customers of new offers or motivate customers to purchase a subscription again.

4. Produce Testimonial Videos to Convert Prospects into Customers

With testimonial videos, you can show how your SaaS product helped existing customers and help new prospects to visualize growth using your brand. According to reports, 2 out of 3 purchase a product after watching testimonial videos.

A testimonial video can be a video testimonial of individual clients or a product review video. With a product review video, you can show how the SaaS product is solving problems in the life of your prospect.

For video testimonials, you can interview individual customers, film them while using your product, or record a video testimonial where your customers answer specific questions that help you sell your product.

5. Use storytelling instead of just reciting facts

Many SaaS marketers go on reciting facts or data about how great their product is or what its features are through the whole video. Unfortunately, this can make customers lose interest in your product.

It is essential to weave a story of the customer’s experience through your videos. Video conveying a story can appeal to the customer’s emotions and keep them engaged.

In addition, most customers are emotional buyers, i.e., they’ll purchase your product if you strum their heartstrings with your videos. Animated Saas videos work best when you take a storytelling approach.

These videos are more shareable and can also show the product in action.

6. Share How-to and educational content on YouTube.

SaaS products can be very confusing and technical, which often tends to scare away customers. To avoid this, you can post educational or how-to videos on YouTube.

These videos should explain each feature of your product thoroughly. I’m sure you must be thinking about how educational videos can help in promoting a product.

Well, would you like to understand the product before buying it or after it? Before, right?

Similarly, customers have a high chance of purchasing the product once they understand it.

Some tips for creating effective how-to videos

  1. Create a video for each product feature.

2. Keep the videos short. This way, viewers won’t be intimidated by long videos about confusing products.

3. Use screenshots of your products in the videos.

4. Attach screen recordings of the product in action in the videos.

7. Add videos to your website

The best way your product can reach the target audience is by ranking your website on Google.

When your website is featured high on SERPs, your traffic will significantly. This will, in return, promote your product to a larger audience.

But, how can you get your website to rank? Simple, add videos to it.

Google’s algorithms are known to prioritize websites with videos as they increase engagement and interaction.

In addition, 85% of customers agree that they want to see more videos on websites. So adding interactive videos to the website can boost leads, traffic, and sales.


Promoting SaaS products through videos can be pretty easy when done right. Consumers actively seek videos when it comes to SaaS products. In fact, 36% of consumers want more explainers and education videos from SaaS companies.

So use the above-mentioned tips in your next video marketing strategy to attract more customers!



Komal Chaturvedi

Co-Founder and CEO of MotionGility, ( an Explainer Video Company.