Why 30 Day Challenges Are Better For You Than New Year’s Resolutions

How to set up twelve 30-day challenges for each month of 2022

Jennise B. Wandering to Wonderful
Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2022


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It’s a brand-new year once again, and a lot of people are setting New Year’s resolutions for themselves. Year after year, they set goals that they aim to achieve but cannot for one reason or another. Not accomplishing goals could be very demotivating, and perhaps a new approach will be more beneficial.

Instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, you should set up 30-day challenges. These challenges are more manageable and practical. They can help you achieve your desired results.

Why Are 30-Day Challenges Better Than New Year’s Resolutions?

30-day challenges are more precise and more detailed than New Year’s resolutions. When you set resolutions, you tend to think of the bigger picture. Thus, you come up with vague plans.

When you set up 30-day challenges, you give yourself a deadline. Instead of having 365 days to achieve your goal, you have 30 days. Hence, you can break down your main goal into smaller, more manageable goals.

64% of the people abandon their New Years’ resolutions within a month, a study conducted in the UK. “PsychNewsDaily”

How to Set Up 30-Day



Jennise B. Wandering to Wonderful

A lover of words. I like to write content that helps individuals and businesses improve outcomes. Self-Published Author. https://amzn.to/3HK4W5n