From Travel Blogger to Author

Jay Artale
How Travel Writers Self-Publish
2 min readSep 30, 2019

Are you ready to establish your subject matter expertise and earn passive income by transitioning from travel blogger to author, but don’t know where to start? Join me on this journey where I’ll share travel writing tips, self-publishing know-how, and book marketing tactics, to take you from enthusiastic blogger to self-published author.

Make your blog content work

I know that running and maintaining a travel blog is hard work. I’m an avid blogger and run multiple websites, which means I have a lot of content I need to make the most of.

The most obvious path is to share your blog posts on social media, but nowadays these posts are gone in a flash. Pushed down a newsfeed in the time it takes for your audience to place their Starbucks order.

You need to give your content a long-tail, and you can do this by reworking and repacking it into different delivery methods.

There’s no better way to leverage your content and showcase your expertise, than turning your blog posts and articles into a travel guide, travel memoir or travel narrative.

I used to work a corporate job, but abandoned that path (and associated lifestyle) to become a digital nomad, full-time writer, and self-published author. I haven’t regretted a single day of that decision, and now I’m committed to helping other travel writers and travel bloggers to acheive a similar goal.

Don’t let confusion about the self-publishing options available to you, stand in your way of becoming a successful indie author. I’ll deliver the no-nonsense advice you need to write, publish, and promote your book.



Jay Artale
How Travel Writers Self-Publish

nonfiction author & travel writer*corporate escapee to global nomad*on a mission to help travel writers & bloggers self-publish their books.