UI kit… Design and develop an experience that makes people’s life simple

“Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.” — Brian Reed

A fundamental tool for both designers and developers, UI kit accompanies pre-characterized components and parts that guarantee a durable interface design all through the venture. It helps designers and developers in conveying the best items to their clients by making our work process as smoothed out and continuous as it could be expected under the circumstances.

Explicitly focused on front end developers, who would never prefer to get limited by a template and at the same time need to adopt a secluded strategy, UI kits can end up being the best of companions to front end developers. Based on their client design’s preferences, they can choose a UI kit or a framework they like to use.

“Make it simple, but significant.” — Don Draper

Some UI kits contain a colossal number of ready-made components, elements, and styles that we can, without much of a stretch redo, integrate into our own design work to create some exciting styles of apps and sites.

All we have to do is find the RIGHT kit that cannot only help us in expanding the efficiency of our work but can also spare us from re-developing the wheel right from the earliest starting point.

Benefits of UI Kit

1. Time Saver — why waste time when you can save it?

The biggest advantage of the UI kit is that it can spare you huge amounts of hours.

Let’s say you just got another project. You are a lot of amped up for the thoughts that you have in your brain. You straight away go to your PC screen and begin looking through the components that some way or another, mirror the design that you have in your psyche. In any case, before you got them, you understand that you have invested a great deal of your energy in simply looking through the interface components and have not started incorporating your vision with something that you can show to your client.

“Good design is good business “— Thomas Watson

In designing and in the race to provide your client with the novel design we forget that design is also a business and we not only have to be good at design but should be good at business too and providing your client’s novel designs is not good business.

2. Increase profitability and save money

Well, this one is quite simple. In the realm of designing, time is cash. On the off chance that you go through a long stretch of time simply searching for something extremely fundamental that you can do in an hour utilizing a UI kit, then you are not only losing clients but also losing money. Your hours are your money. Each second you spend doing pointless things, you are losing positions to your rival. Though it’s sad but true.

Completing your undertakings in less time is likewise a decent method to separate yourself from your rivals. You’re bound to get employed if you can get quality work done quickly for your clients.

A quality UI Kit can spare you time, which supports your efficiency — and along these lines, your benefits

3. UI Kit for designers

Designers love to do things on their own just depending on the inspiration that they have. Remember

“Good artists copy, great steal”

Using UI kit isn’t off-base in any way. There is nothing amiss with NOT reinventing the wheel. The focus is not to lose the uniqueness of your work and keep concentrating on the key points.

4. UI kit for developers

“Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.” –Charles Eames

UI kit is not only helpful for designers but at the same time, it has proven to be beneficial for developers too. They can simply do the projects without hiring designers. Although they get a lot of things made with UI kits. It’s exactly like the fact that as designers can use WordPress and theme, similarly developers can just use UI kits with little knowledge on how to work on the design to get the good looking layouts. But with UI kits, they do a really good job.

5. It’s far way easier to completely change the look

It’s the far simpler route to totally change the look

A client calls you up and requests you to change the cool blue color theme with the red hot one. Clients are crazy. Right? Without a UI kit, it would be a bad dream, however, with a UI kit, you can rapidly execute these progressions by simply changing a couple of layers as opposed to sitting and changing the entire code stuff.

Indeed, UI kits permit us to make alterations at a much easier proportion.

6. UI kits help a lot in learning

UI kits help you in learning cool and exciting stuff about various objects, styles, etc simply by duplicating the layer and yes mess with them and I promise you will gain proficiency with some great things out of it.

7. My approach

I don’t have a clue what others’ considerations are about Tailwind CSS, yet for my situation, it’s my topmost preference. The utilization of utility classes doesn’t just appear to be engaging yet additionally possibly overpowering.

It’s just bee a year that I am using Tailwind CSS professionally and I am totally gone gaga for it. It has improved my work process so a lot and that is the reason I thought to impart this in an article so I can share this knowledge with you.

The excellence of Tailwind CSS is that there is a range of preset values for everything. For instance, take the coloring palette as an example. Utilizing tailwind CSS you don’t have to figure out complete coloring palette heretofore, in light of the fact that tailwind will accompany 9 shades of each color. Let’s suppose, you don’t like the specific color, don’t need to worry about that. All you have to do is, simply change the configuration.

Long story short, for me, Tailwind CSS is just an adoration.

Depending upon the sort of project, I sometimes make my own components and also sometimes utilizes the free components from the free repository for community components using Tailwind CSS. Here is a link for it.


and yes when I am dealing with a top-notch venture, I, for the most part, use TUK (TUK).


There are a few reasons why I picked TUK as my personal favorite tool to play with. The absolute first and furthermore significant explanation is, it can precisely reflect the thoughts that I have in my mind. I don’t have to work much considering the designs. It provides me with the options of most ideal thoughts and that excessively exceptional in its own specific manner since it permits me to customize it the way I want to.

I recently built a screen for my clients utilizing TUK components and literally it takes me around an hour.

List of users that are there in the branding department of the company with their stats for listening time, push rate, and when they last logged out.
This screen is part of the library, the first card shows the publishers that are publishing articles on your web app with a button to add more publishers giving them access to post. The second card shows the posted articles with their image, category, title, date posted, and author.

In the first screen, the following components of TUK were utilized.

  • Horizontal Navigation (Light With Nav Flushed Left)
  • Page Heading (Simple With Breadcrumbs)
  • Card heading (Tabs On Bottom)
  • Grid Card (8 Col Listing With Search And Filter)

The second screen was built using the following components.

  • Grid Card (8 Col Listing Card With Action Button)
  • Blog component (simple)
  • And the horizontal navigation and page heading was used as in the previous screen

Thus, I must add here is like all of us know building a prototype is itself a time saver in collecting early feedback, and using TUK to build a prototype was just like applying a time saver to a time saver.


The beauty of the UI kit is that it can act as a bridge between the craving of giving your client something perfect and yet in the most effective and gainful manner. Instead of building or searching the desired elements from the beginning, UI kits give us the library of pre-made components that are all set at whatever point we need them. The main thing here is the choice of the correct pack. When you have done that, you are all set.



How UI Kit is Important for Designers and Developers

Believe in turning dreams into vision and vision into reality. A devRel, coding girl, and a strong supporter of messy hair and sweatpants.