Raja Hariharan
How we make a difference
3 min readFeb 5, 2015


PRO Aesthetics in Prosthetics

The respective statistics portrait a clear vision of the prospectus of medical device industry along with the needs and necessities that are to be satisfied for the selective users of this particular criteria.

The path chosen to act on the above through creativity is Pro Aesthetics in prosthetics.

A question arises on this regard, answering that in a simpler way — A creative initiative to adapt the fast moving technology in the bio-medical, bionics, material and processing industries to which aesthetic values are applied for creating unique fairings for prosthetic limbs.

The vision of the company is mainly to empower the specially challenged by its true mission which is by amalgamating technology and aesthetics to prothestics for creating unique identities. Hence, by creating priceless values that of creating an unique identity, expression of ones personality and to achieve more by an meaningful approach.

Customer Journey


The Community

A group of prosthetic users are connected via web and social media, sharing their experiences and displaying their unique identities.

The whole idea of this community aspect points to the important feature of auxgen that is to empower the specials. Hence, for every five sales one prosthetic attachment is donated as charity.

One of the Auxgen creations below was crafted with a paisley touch.

The Business

Business Life cycle

Return Of Investment

Profitable income can be seen only in the third year, as there are is huge investment in the first year. Since, this approach will require high end machinery and skill full labor to accomplish high quality products. Due to the fact of being sensitive apart from the rational business point of view huge amount of marketing and sponsoring expenses is also in play which will bring the trust factor in potential customers.

