PC Januário
How we make a difference
2 min readFeb 6, 2015


The Gardening Business

SOW is a gardening company in Brazil that is bringing to its retail business new ideas to attract new customers. SOW rises in a positive context to garden shops in Brazil: the market is growing 7% yearly, what is quite positive considering the scenario of disorganized market.

The market gap found to come up with a gardening shop was the own gardening market environment, once you have a market without leadership and a high competition with informal firms. The challenge now is what should be the main competitive advantage to get the customer attention, what the main value to buy plants or flower in a specific garden shop instead of anyother one. The Brazilian garden shop customer is positioned in the middle-class economic level, people willing garden products, they feel proud of themselves when they see their gardens beautiful and colorful.

The Strategy

Enjoy the opportunity of working with plants and flower, products which the origins is the nature, SOW decide to become natural, explaining better: an organic garden shop launching a new strategy: A Garden Retail Experience Combining Organic eating. A combination between Gardening practices and Organic food to create a SALAD BAR.

The Experience

The Garden Shop became a totally new experience for its customer, who now can experience the inspirational Garden Showroom with the healthy and attractive Salad Bar, offering fresh salads produced in the own store and local organic growers. The mini restaurant will have differents salad dishes everyday. And to encourage its customer to go into the organic salad diet, the clients also can buy Packaged Salad to take away.

