The Beginnings of a Female Pedophile??


She is 11 years old and sits alone in a group home…placed there three months ago by Child and Social Services for reports of watching pornography on her sister-in-law’s laptop while babysitting.

She tried to erase the porn off the laptop, but a virus had entered and the screen was frozen solid with picture after picture of explicit sexual scenes bombarding the screen.

Still it all seems like a strange reason to be pulled from your home right?

Well the alleged truth is she has been accused of sexually molesting her younger brothers who are six, five and three. She needs to be evaluated and observed.

You see she is the only girl child raised amongst seven hormonal brothers, and the icing on the cake is that the kids are all led by my sister an irresponsible and frequently absent mother.

Her mother had told me once about finding my niece performing fellatio on her youngest brother who was then about one years old. She also confided in me that she saw my neice at another time engaging in “69" with my other sisters’ oldest daughter.

She said she whipped them mercilessly. I was aghast and asked my sister over and over if this is what she had truly seen and done. The resounding answer was always YES!

We were perplexed and concluded it all to her rapidly growing hormonal imbalance. She was blossoming faster than a child her age normally should; as was confirmed by the clinic doctor.

The plan was to watch her closely and instruct her that her actions, although born of a curious and human nature, were inappropriately directed because they were being done on family and young immature minds and bodies that would be hurt by her sexual curiosity.

Her mother, much to her chagrin, started finding her frequently sleeping naked and masturbating with herself.

We were forced to revisit our shameful and dark family secret….that my niece had been raped as a baby.

She was raped at the age of eight months of age by her babysitter’s teenage brother. She could not tell of the incident but the blood on her diaper and her raw and painfully broken vagina and anus shrieked the truth.

She was hopefully too young to remember, that is what we all mused, but we all knew that she was now marred. We swore secrecy to never tell her and prayed she would grow up without any memory of the rape.

After the disturbing revelations, we began to question her memory about the incident, but we did not want to outright ask her. We prodded and probed through subtle questions and hints, but she only seemed to shrink and withdraw from us.

We never suspected her older brother and his cousin at the time were catalysts in her behaviour. Unfortunately, it was revealed that, her brother, only a year older , decided he and his male cousin would start sexually experimenting on her and my younger sisters’ oldest daughter from the time the girls were age eight and nine respectfully.

Incest. Another dirty family secret.

The girls were made to strip naked while they sucked the boys cocks and fondled their balls. They were also forced to perform cunnilingus on each other under immature tutelage and angst. Normal childhood behaviour right? NOT!

My niece’s brother (who by the way is in juvenile detention, as I write, for holding a knife to a woman’s throat amongst other assaults) and cousin told the girls they were going to hurt them, and even kill them, if they ever uttered a word of the defilements. The sexual assaults happened a few more times, and then abruptly ended as the boys entered junior high school and were distracted with other interests.

Curiosity and guilt were aroused in my niece and her confusion was unspeakable. My niece felt she had no one to talk too so she turned to porn for answers and began sexual experimentation on her younger brothers for understanding and pleasure.

They could not charge her older brother or cousin as the authorities said they were underage at the time of the incidents. Ultimately, they link the unfortunate assaults to being unsupervised and having absent and poor parental guidance.

My niece is now getting counselling which is giving her healing and introspection about her actions. She will come to live with me and my partner on a kinship placement as Child and Social Services does not want to return her to the home. They state she can not be alone unsupervised among her younger brothers and she is not allowed to sleep in the same bed with them.

My niece has always displayed love for children and expresses her desire to become a pediatrician, own a school, daycare and foster care home. She is very involved with children and is very attentive to their needs.

Her nature is gregarious and she thrives on tactile affection, but now I wonder how her exposure and involvement in the incest, sexual molestation, and rape will affect her attentiveness and nature towards other children.

I shudder as I now ask the question. Am I watching the beginnings of my own niece becoming a female pedophile??



Olive Rose
Self Esteem Significantly Influences Our Choices.

Funny Giving Thoughtful Introspective Cat Lover That Just Happens To Love Listening To People’s Stories, Reading And FINALLY Claiming Myself As An Author