Photo by Karl Fredrickson via Unsplash

Then and Now: Was My MA in Creative Writing Worth It?

Revisiting the Millennial worries I had before I did my MA in a degree that might not lead directly into a profession.

White Deer Publishing
9 min readMay 18, 2019


When I was getting ready to apply for an MA Creative Writing program, one of my professors asked me:

“…why are you going right into a graduate program? My advice is to live a little. Enjoy your early 20s. Get to know yourself a little better before signing back up for the academy. I believe most students entering MA programs are in their mid 20s — I could be wrong. You have time.”

I was just about to finish undergrad, and I had a lot of very good reasons to want to do a creative writing program: I’ve always been a writer, and the opportunity to devote a year to developing my craft was a dream that suddenly seemed possible. Since I’d decided to go to the UK for my master’s, it was much more affordable than I’d thought it would be.

But still her question struck me, even then: Why now?

It jarred against another question that was already plaguing my Millennial mind: Is it worth it?

Why now?

Thinking back on that time, I know part of it was fear:

  • I was afraid of what would come next.

