How to Create an effective Moodboard

Cat How
How & How Journal
Published in
6 min readJun 4, 2018


Moodboard for Pollen Place Coworking Studios

Want to create an effective moodboard? The most important thing you should do as a creative, is to feed your eyes. Go to art galleries, flick through your old design books, trawl blogs, read newspaper magazines, go to a flea market or ditch the telly for a couple of hours losing yourself on Pinterest.

Any visual stimulation feeds your eyes, and consequently feeds your brain. You’re working on a self-initiated life-long project — actively amassing a library of imagery in your mind that, with any luck, will pop up in your consciousness one day, and manifest itself in your work.

I find this ‘behind-the-scenes’ self-imposed homework to be the backbone of any concept work I do in the studio. I make myself browse Pinterest for at least 15 minutes a day (no hard task to be fair) to keep the new ways people are working with imagery and colour, fresh in my mind. You can find my feed here.

As a creative director I am constantly needing to reference styling, photography, type, layout styles, colour schemes etc in ways that best reflect the client we are working for. Every project is a synthesis of references generated from a diversity of sources. In fact, the more diverse the better.

However, all the most beautiful imagery in the world will not be of any use if you have nothing to pin it to. This is where brand…

