What is a Brand Archetype?

Cat How
How & How Journal
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2019


Successful brands have a strong sense of identity, one that mirrors the hopes and aspirations of their customers.

In our design agency we always think of a brand as a person with a specific point-of-view. This position helps your brand communicate comfortably, and confidently, with its customer base. How people connect to your brand and whatever meaning they assign to it is due to this personality, or point-of-view.

Image by Polleni Branding & Design Agency

We use lots of strategic tools when developing brand strategy and creating a brand identity which speaks from this point of view. But the tool that helps us the most in this process is the brand archetype wheel.

Brand personalities can be classified as archetypes. We use a Jungian brand archetype wheel to work out what personality types your target audience are likely to have. This helps us create an identity and strategy for your business that matches and appeals to those types.

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist who developed the idea of an archetype (taken from the ancient Greek ‘arche’, meaning ‘origin’ and referring to an original model) as a way of explaining unconscious, universal idea patterns. Put simply, Jung believed that archetypes are identifiable behaviours that are instantly recognised by others.

