Developer Profile Template 2017

Shubham Sawant
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2017

Hello World,
Recently I developed my personal website I designed and developed it as template for developers.

This post gives detailed information about usage of the template.
There are two sections of the portfolio. One is Personal Info and other is about all other details.

  1. Personal Info include :
    /name /contact phone and email /summary /image /profile links
  2. Other Details has five tabs
  • /hello text and likes /recipe
Hello Text, Likes and Recipe for the template
  • /skills
Skills tab
  • /projects
Projects Tab
  • /experience
Experience Tab
  • /education
Education Tab

All of the content is loaded from a file js/profile.json. You have to just edit this file add your content and there you go. You have to add icons, images img directory. Methods written in js/index.js take care of loading the data. One can customize these functions as per need. Overridden css is in css/main.css customize it if needed. Take help from following list of sources used for customization (eg. icons,fonts ).

Libraries and technologies for this template:

The Recipe section in Hello tab gives details about template and extends gratitude to used sources. Please support by not removing this section.

If you liked it fell free to use it and consider giving star to this repo and share this post.
For any suggestions or queries please comment below or drop a mail, I happy to hear from you. Thanks for reading.

Happy Coding, let the pawsBeOnBoard.

