Listening to your feedback: a pause in the bounty program

Mark Perring


It’s an interesting experience launching a new social media platform. First and foremost we’re looking to re-write the rules of what online social interactions mean to people, and building up communities of like-minded people.

That also means listening to these communities when they speak.

Take our bounty program.

We’ve been told it’s good. That it stacks up against other offerings on the market — but that there’s room for improvement.

At Howdoo, we’re not interested in good. We want great (at the very least), and have taken this feedback on board.

Now we’re doing something about it. That means fine-tuning the scheme, and ensuring it delivers maximum reward for all those who get involved.

As a result, we’re going to take it off line for a short time, polish it, re-shape it, then get it back up and running. That process has already started, and the bounty program will soon be live again — and this time it’ll be even bigger and better than ever.

For the latest updates and announcements on the bounty program — join up to our Telegram Group

