Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2018

When the tech is evolving at an exponential rate , the science fictions are turning in to non-fictions. The stories that we made are becoming the facts that we live in. When the worlds is moving faster and faster, is everyone at the same pace. Are people lagging behind ?

So we started making stories for the future.

The world has moved far beyond a simple astronomical telescope.But more than half the population may not have even looked up through a telescope. A normal person looking up the sky just see what Galileo or any one of that time would have seen. But we as a species had gathered a lot of information and understandings from the vast space up there.

When stories ultimately becomes the future, why not create a story of a telescope of the future?

It was a beautiful clear sky. But it was pretty late in the night and everyone was sleeping. But Sam was awake! He sat on the terrace starring at the sky. After long hours of waiting they appeared.

“ This is so beautifull !!!”, said Sam.

“ These are Geminids meteor shower”.

Sam looked at the telescope. The telescope continued “ They got their name because, they appear to come from the Gemini constellation , They move at at speed of 35 Km/s”.

“ Oh! Thats fast “.

“Not really , They are one of the slow moving meteors”.

Sam asked him “ Is there any earth like planets out there “.

“ Yeah. There are many. Kepler-459b is the closest as we know. It is 1400 ly away from us and revolves around the star Kepler-459. It is often reffered to as Earth 2.0 or Earth’s cousin”.

“You know a lot !!”.

The story was also performed with a really basic Arduino based prop.

After which the story was open for feedback and opinions. Great insights were received. These were few of those comments.

‘Good Friendly Dialogue , in the Play! Think about different behavior in the movement of the telescope’.

‘What if the product allows you to visualize the ideas about the space one has’.

‘How can the AI spark interest in non-space liking people ? ‘.

‘Can this be in different domains ? Not just space…..’.

‘What is the Bigger story beyond one product ?. Beyond being an Encyclopedia what is the role of the AI ‘.

So What is or What can be a future telescope , with the insights from the comments and opinions.

Behavior. When the telescope becomes your companion , It should necessarily understand and react to your emotions. The amazement and surprise you get when you spot something , that has to be there in it. Its not just a friendly conversing. Along with making the telescope a friend , the resonance of the emotions has to take place, amazement and disappointment when you see and not see something or the feeling of achievement ,when you finally spotted it. This should be reflected in the way how they interact and as said , in ways in which it move.

Visualizing. The whole story of the science and technology all started when humans looked up and started connecting the dots and made the constellations. So when the visualizing itself is getting complex with time, this can be an aid to visualize and connect newer dots. Yeah so how can the AI become an extension of ones on mind, here with a telescope.

Non-space liking people. Yes. The AI should encourage people to know about the space. Make them look up for more , rather than looking down to the what’s already been written.

Different Domains. Yes.The strong part of humans ,is their visualization and reflections upon things. Extending this particular AI to different domains there by can help in encouraging people not only to look down and read whats been written ,but also to look up and connect the dots.

The Bigger Story. It’s true that the AI is being limited in to a product like a telescope or it is becoming more like just an Encyclopedia. Bigger story got revealed when we went in through the comments. “ Can this AI help people in looking up and connecting more dots.” Can it encourage people to explore more and visualize more. And may be help them to see beyond what they actually see.

