Nature as the future of the UI/UX Artificial intelligence

Antonin Odin
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2018

In our near future, with our new relationship with technologies, artificial intelligence, and the big data we will probably feel the necessary to get closer to nature and interact with it. The plants, vegetation in the street, will not be simply their for a question of well-being of the population, but would be useful for other purpose. The nature could be the UI which integrate the AI in a more human, and poetic way. Integrate AI into the life, its maybe realize the dreams of given life to plants, and giving us a new look at our relation with nature.

In fact, maybe our future will be far from the cliché of science fiction which give a really technical imaginary… the future of UI and UX will be organic.

The first idea was to make plants giving our way when we are lost in the city. By touching a leaf, the other plants will move, maybe some light will appears, and a ‘voice’ will guide us…

But maybe we can think about other experiences and interactions.

For exemple the plants (the grass, the trees, the flowers…) or the water, the soil will be able to give us more security in the city (by collect data and prevents) but also give us a way to analyze the traffic, collect data from our weather to make forecast, prevent the pick of air pollution… or be a way of communication (from an plants in st fransico to a plants in Japan), send messages, stockData and be a way to access to it, to be new way of entertainment, of playing music, games in park, or give informations about the aera in the city, good spots to see etc…

We can imagine also in other context, than the city :

At home, in the futur The GoogleHome Assistant will be a more sensitive things, like a little tree. And our experience will be improve by a more poetic way… For exemple, wake up the moorning, barely touch a leaf to lets some light enter in the room from the outside…

In the agriculture : we will be able to improve the production of farmers thanks to some plants with electronics implants which will reduce the use of phytosanitary product.

Maybe a way to improve the communication between plants, to have best parameters of growing-up. Give solutions to resolve nutrition conflicts between farms and animals. Give to farmers a more precise way to manage their lands.

In the research fields, integrated nano electronics technologies in the seeds, and analyses how a plants will be able to grow with it, is maybe a first step before developing human implants.

