Yukai Du

13 Classic Mathematics Books for Lifelong Learners

However, Mathematics


When I was a college student, I saw a list of essential math books on a blog. I promised to myself to read all those books in 10 years because there were 50 books on that list. I am still trying to finish the list. And now it is time to share some of them with you.

Mathematics is beautiful and astounding. There is a lot of joy in understanding mathematics, for instance, the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem or the secrets of pi, e, epsilon…

Anyway, if you passed a lot of math courses but failed to make any sense out of them during your education, those books were written for you.

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea. | Charles Seife

This is a great book that could make almost anyone love math. I found it to be quite interesting, despite my already knowing quite a bit about the topics being covered. I absolutely love Seife’s writing style. He had me laughing out loud more than a few times.

It’s hard to imagine that anyone could spend 220 pages talking about one number. While you are reading, you do not need to work through the actual with a pencil and…



However, Mathematics

Math Teacher. Content Curator. Soccer player. Maradona fan. Mostly write about the lectures I love to learn better. alikayaspor@gmail.com