100 Words, Day 17: Managing.

How To Art
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2018

It really is a pain that our minds seem keen on zeroing in on the most stressful thought or element of life possible and making it a focus; the biggest worry or worries in one’s life are ever-present to steal sleep, creativity, and more.

For me, this worry comes in the form of my application to remain in Sweden, where I’ve lived close to three years now. Without getting into to details, the process is convoluted and not especially efficient, and so after 15 months of hearing nothing, my case is finally being considered. While progress is good, it also means the possibility of my life being turned upside down is looming, and being swept away from friends, loved ones, and your home is no small gun barrel to be staring down.

I’m a fan of saying that “I didn’t get as far a I have by taking ‘no’ for an answer,” and it’s true: Immigration issues often come down to squeaky wheels getting the oil, and needing to constantly fight for oneself. Still, today was an off day, and I’m hoping to offload some of this mind-stress soon enough.

I hope you all are having a good Tuesday; speak soon,



How To Art

Seattle-born hip hop and spoken word artist, social media, nerd, and traveller. Official website: PetravitaMusic.com Contact: PetravitaOfficial@gmail.com