Best practical tips that will help you learn better and pass your exams more easily
Studying and learning, what’s the difference?
When people say they don’t like school, they actually mean they don't like studying. There are so many better and easier ways to learn that don’t involve tedious studying. But the problem is, school material is optimized for studying, not for other ways of learning. And everybody will struggle with studying even a subject they're passionate about. The only reason it may be easier for you to study a subject you love is that you would spend your free time learning about the particular subject. Now, if you want to find ways to learn better, you should properly understand the real difference between studying and learning.
To study means the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books.
To learn means to gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.
Learning is the main purpose of school, and studying is merely one of the ways to learn, but the overwhelming material we have to go through gets our focus stuck in studying and we lose sight of other ways to learn better. As we study, the overwhelming pressure we feel while struggling to pass our exams makes…