The Philosophers’ Journey to Understanding:

The Quest for the Fundamental Principles of Existence

Archarhat Publication
5 min readJan 5, 2023


The Domains That Study the Fundamental Principles of Life

The three main domains that study life are religion, philosophy, and science.

The fundamental principles of life according to religion

There are thousands of religions on earth, and each proposes a different answer to the question. Some of the main religions are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Taoism. None of these religions agree on what the fundamental principles of life are.

The fundamental principles of life according to Philosophy

Some of the most popular philosophers in the history of mankind are Plato, Michel de Montaigne, Kant, Nietzsche, Aristotle, and Descartes. Philosophers are known for having contrasting ideas on what the fundamental principles of life are.

The fundamental principles of life according to Science

Life is such a complex condition that even in science it had to be broken down into more manageable parts. Different scientific domains approach the study of life in different ways. Some of the scientific domains that study life include mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry.

The most fundamental truths of life should be universal and independent of a domain. So, what are the fundamental aspects of life that apply to all things alike?

Come along on this exciting journey of discovery and exploration. I hope that by the end of this story, you’ll have a greater understanding of these principles that apply to all things alike and how they can help you live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Philosophers’ Journey to Understanding: The Quest for the Fundamental Principles of Existence

Once upon a time, there was a group of philosophers who were on a quest to understand the fundamental principles of existence that apply to all things alike. They believed that by understanding these principles, they could also understand the meaning of life and how to live it to the fullest.

The philosophers were determined and adventurous. They traveled far and wide, exploring the depths of the universe and seeking out the wisest mentors they could find.

As they journeyed on, they encountered many challenges and obstacles, but they remained determined to uncover the fundamental principles of existence. They knew that by understanding these principles, they could gain a greater understanding of life itself and the role that each of us plays in the grand scheme of things.

One of the first principles the philosophers discovered was influence. They saw how the actions of one person or group could have a ripple effect on the lives of others. For example, they observed how a leader’s decision to go to war could impact the lives of thousands of people. They also saw how a person’s words or actions could inspire others to take action, or discourage them from pursuing their dreams. The philosophers knew that it was important to consider the potential impact of their own actions on those around them.

The philosophers also learned about the power of experience. They saw how the knowledge and understanding we gain through our interactions with the world around us is crucial to our growth and development as individuals. They observed how people who had experienced great hardships were often more resilient and better able to cope with challenges than those who had lived more sheltered lives.

As they studied and debated, the philosophers realized that information was a crucial part of their quest. They knew that they needed to seek out new sources of knowledge in order to truly understand the fundamental principles of existence. They observed how people who were well-informed about current events were able to make more informed decisions and were often more successful in their endeavors than those who were not.

Finally, the philosophers learned that change was an inherent part of existence. They understood that the world was constantly evolving. They saw how people who were able to adapt to change were often more successful than those who resisted it. They also saw how people who were open to new ideas and ways of thinking were often more innovative and able to come up with creative solutions to problems.

Through all of these experiences, the philosophers were able to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of existence and how they applied to life. They knew that by embracing influence, experience, information, and change, they could continue to grow and learn, and that this was the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

The philosophers were thrilled to have discovered these fundamental principles and were eager to share their knowledge with others. They traveled far and wide, sharing their insights with anyone who was interested in hearing them. They held lectures and workshops, and wrote books and articles, all in an effort to help others understand these principles and how they could be applied to their own lives.

As they shared their knowledge with others, the philosophers were thrilled to see how their insights were making a difference in the world. They saw how people who were able to embrace influence, experience, information, and change were able to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives, and they were grateful to have been able to play a small part in that journey.

And so, the philosophers continued on their quest to understand the fundamental principles of existence, always seeking out new experiences and knowledge, and always striving to make a positive impact on the world. The end.

Final thoughts

The four principles of influence, experience, information, and change are not necessarily considered fundamental principles in the same way that principles such as gravity or the laws of thermodynamics are considered fundamental principles in physics. These principles are more of a conceptual framework that can be used to understand and analyze different aspects of life and the world around us.

That being said, these principles can be useful in helping us to understand and make sense of the world and our place in it. Influence, experience, information, and change are all interconnected and can have a significant impact on our understanding of the world and how we interact with it.

For example, our experiences shape our understanding of the world and the information we have about it, which in turn can influence our actions and decisions. And change is a constant aspect of life, as everything around us is constantly evolving and adapting to new circumstances.

While these principles may not be considered fundamental in the same way that scientific principles are, they can still be useful in helping us to understand and make sense of the world and our place in it

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