How to find inspiration in life
The people who choose to take their dreams and make them real will always inspire the rest of the world for a variety of reasons. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to go after what you want in life. The commitment to moving forward, picking yourself back up, and always striving to grow is extraordinary in itself. It shouldn’t be underestimated.
How I found inspiration
When I was studying through high school, I was having quite a tough time. I had a lot to do, and I wanted more from life than the common everyday grind. Sometimes, I got so distracted and tired, I’d lose sight of my ultimate goal.
I can clearly remember in those moments of low energy, I would go to youtube, TEDx talks, documentaries, interviews of extraordinarily achieving people… Seeing what those people made out of their lives got me so pumped I’d immediately get an energy refill and get back to work to slay. So inspiring…
Inspiring and inspirational, what’s the difference
I’ve been told several times — by different people, in different situations and contexts — , that I’m inspiring… Being inspiring seems to make people energized and happy — I know inspiration makes me energized — , so I wanted to do more of it. The problem…