This is exactly how you do the impossible

Michael Bright
Archarhat Publication
4 min readMar 23, 2020


Photo by iRise Drink from Pexels

When we were babies we had to be fed because we didn’t know how to hold a spoon or control it to our mouths. It was unfamiliar. But as we practiced and learned to eat and, eventually, to feed ourselves, what was once unfamiliar became familiar. Today, if my mom tried to feed me, it may be cute once, but then I’d be like… “Okay, hand me the spoon, Linda!”

Make the unfamiliar familiar. That's how you do the impossible.

Brittany Kizziah Smith

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Can you remember how you saw the world when you were a kid? How many things you strongly believed were flat out impossible?

But, as you grew older and stronger, your mind developed further and you gained more knowledge, all those impossibilities didn’t only turn out to be quite possible, they also became so easy that you completely forgot you once thought they were impossible.

Think of something you wanted to do but you weren’t sure if you could pull off. When you finally pulled it off, you must have noticed how hard it was in the beginning. But, it became easier after a while. Did it, really? No, it didn’t.



Michael Bright
Archarhat Publication

I aim to write helpful articles that will increase your productivity and promote your well-being.