Quality crypto traffic for your ICO, Blockchain Course, or Event. Top-3 most useful advertising formats

Kirill Shilov
3 min readOct 26, 2017


This summer we launched our educational project howtotoken.com. It provides free educational articles on all things involved with the blockchain and cryptocurrency, in English.

Professionals with a deep understanding of the market are working on materials which grants them a high-quality knowledge base. Articles are published twice a week, and new episodes of the Howtotoken podcast are published once a week.

The last and most successful (in terms of traffic and quality) was about the Bitcoin Gold blockchain here.

It got a lot of likes and was shared on official the Bitcoin Gold team Twitter account:


When creating our articles we contact numerous experts in the field, and try to get their commentary and shares. We receive a lot of quality and loyal traffic from influencers. As you know, there will be a lot of hype in regards to the upcoming Segwit 2X fork. We are in the process of writing a lot of content about this, and we are going to play off the hype. We are also going to be looking for interesting projects for advertising partnerships.

We have several formats of content:

We could also integrate your educational blockchain course into our article, and give it an introduction in that article as well, so the user will become informed about your course and will continue education with your paid course.

There are some integrations (details here) with course authors from Udemy, and the formats work really great:

We can also write a newsletter to our users, and promote your course as affiliates. Here is an example taken from the website to get loyal audience:

The niches most interesting for the US?

Event organizers worldwide

If you create great quality blockchain conferences in the US, Europe, or Asia we can work with you on CPA bases. We really like what the guys from Block Show do:

Blockchain/crypto course authors

If you have a working course in English we could offer you different interesting formats of integration: Introduction in terms of free articles with a “Go deeper” option where users can purchase your course.

ICO projects, consulting/PR agencies

Several formats:

  • Banner ads on our website
  • Ads in our podcast
  • Interviews with a founder

We are open to cross-promo activities with partners from all over the world.

Just contact to get more details at:

Email: ks.shilov@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kirill.shilov.10

Twitter: https://twitter.com/howtotoken

Telegram: @ksshilov

