Did you know: HPB Partnerships & DApps

HPB Global
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2019

With more than 70 partnerships, DApps and other forms of business relations, our ecosystem is growing with a strong foundation. From gaming, fintech, infrastructure, and many other industries, our partners bring a wide range of strengths from all over the world to build a stronger platform.

As the number of partnerships grow, we highlight some of our recent achievements, as well as refresh the community on our list of partners, we’ve put together a quick overview.

Key Partnerships

UnionPay Smart

UnionPay is China’s only interbank network that links all ATMs of all banks throughout the country. Based on total value of payment transactions, it is the largest card payment organization (debit and credit cards combined) in the world with a transaction value of $14.95 trillion USD in 2017, ahead of competitors VISA and Mastercard. HPB is developing a DApp for UnionPay Smart focused on big data processing on blockchain. UnionPay operates under the approval of the People’s Bank of China (central bank of China) and the UnionPay Smart subsidiary provides big-data solutions in industry analysis, business decision-making, digital marketing, and business strategy.

Based on our blockchain and BOE technology, we are working together and developing a tailored system to improve UnionPay Smart’s big data management, called the UnionPay Smart Authorized Traceability System. The platform enables different users, including banking clients, financial institutions, and UnionPay to conveniently interact and exchange data. Various types of consumer data and contracts are stored on-chain by making use of digital identities (IDs) and transacted via smart contracts. Given that most data today is still either stored physically or on outdated systems, a blockchain network could greatly enhance data storage and security.

Besides improving data storage and security, there are a few other benefits involved for different stakeholders. UnionPay is able to bundle all its big data into useable data sets, which could theoretically be monetized to third parties. Financial institutions can use this system to streamline their internal operations by using these data sets to improve their risk management procedures and product offering. In turn, clients are able to enjoy customized financial products befitting their needs and economic situation.


LAYA.BOX is one of the world’s top providers of high-performance HTML5 game engines with renowned partners such as Google, Facebook, Tencent and Huawei. They have started a new project, Laya.One, to build an open and complete ecosystem of ‘Absolute-Blockchain’ games. This comprehensive project consists of a decentralized game network, blockchain game engine, distribution platform of quality content, community operation platform, trade center of virtual assets, and a gaming wallet.

Our partnership with Laya.One involves three key components. Firstly, a web wallet, allowing users to access their HPB wallets via a web plug-in browser. Secondly, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), making it convenient for game developers to use our tools to quickly upload game information and virtual assets onto our chain. Thirdly, Laya.One is developing a game that will be put onto our network.

IFC — SME Finance Forum

The SME Finance Forum, of which IFC takes charge, works to expand access to finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The Forum operates a global membership network that brings together financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions to share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote the growth of SMEs.

Through this partnership, HPB is linked to global policy-making networks such as the World Economic Forum, G20, OECD, APEC and AFI. This allows us to have close discussions with thought leaders and policy makers about the potential applications for blockchain technology for the betterment of society. Next to top level discussions, we also interact with global SMEs to understand their business challenges and explore ways in which blockchain could augment their operations.

Asides from discussions and cooperating with policy makers and businesses, we both contribute to and benefit from the SME Finance Forum’s library, which includes a comprehensive collection of articles and data sets. Through member contributions, the IFC can conduct thorough industry and trend studies, further strengthening all key stakeholders’ connections.

List of Partners

  • UnionPay Smart — Finance, Big Data
  • IFC — Finance
  • Bitshare — Finance
  • BitcoinWorld — Finance
  • InVault — Finance
  • Ibendi — Finance
  • CoinID — Finance
  • SWFT Pay — Fintech
  • KOFO — Fintech
  • Keystore — Fintech
  • BlockWater Capital — Fund
  • Supernode Capital — Fund
  • 广和基金 — Fund
  • PChain — Blockchain Project
  • CPChain — Blockchain Project
  • Prophet — Blockchain Project
  • Atlas Protocol — Advertising, Blockchain Project
  • HashFuture — Infrastructure, Blockchain Project
  • Bihu (币乎) — Media, Blockchain Project
  • Oath Protocol — Arbitration, Blockchain Project
  • Aircoins — Gaming
  • NeoWorld — Gaming
  • LightSecond — Gaming
  • One Game — Gaming
  • NEO — Public Chain
  • UDAP — Middleware Platform
  • DAPP Discover — Platform
  • Fomohunt — Media
  • Coinbucks — Media
  • 8BTC — Media
  • BiYong — Social Media
  • ITCEC — Infrastructure
  • Damai Tech — IT Security
  • Knownsec.com — IT Security
  • CV Labs — Incubator
  • DLT Lab — Incubator
  • Tsinghua University — Academia
  • Udacity — Education
  • Befull — Community, Mining

Excerpt of Notable Invitation Nodes

  • CCID
  • BitcoinWorld
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • OK Blockchain Capital
  • Jikexueyuan.com (Geek Academy)
  • Bixin
  • Hunan University
  • BTCC Mining Pool
  • Data Mining Research Center, Xiamen University
  • Tianshu Society of BUPT
  • SWFT Pay
  • Fintech News

All these partnerships will help to further globalize and decentralize our platform, enabling us to provide value to our users, clients and partners. We will do our best to regularly provide you with updates and details on our partnerships.

The HPB Foundation

