HPB Monthly Progress Report — April 2022

HPB Global
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2022

I. HPB 2022 Roadmap

In April, HPB released its 2022 roadmap. In 2022, our goal is to build HPB into a powerful, high-performance, secure, and low-cost blockchain system, focusing on areas we believe have the potential for rapid growth, creating easy-to-use DeFi and NFT infrastructure, and innovating with the improvement of random-number products, the establishment of a cross-chain fast channel connecting HPB and ETH, and the provision of a high-speed Layer 2 network with a filtering mechanism. See: https://www.hpb.io/post-725

II. Infrastructure and Tool Development

HPB MainNet

  • Resolved a fairness issue with block rewards and integrated it into V1.0.9.0. The issue related to the relative block rewards received by HPB-Nodes and Candidate nodes during the recent period of low node participation;
  • Launched V1.0.9.0;
  • Completed the development of BOE 2.0 related functions (including the acceleration hardware for Confidential Payment);
  • Partially completed the research on the cross-chain mechanism, providing the technical foundation for the subsequent Layer 2;
  • Completed the development of the new bootnode emergency version;
  • Partially completed the incentive optimization of the consensus algorithm, in readiness for the next version upgrade.


  • Completed the joint coordination and launch of LeaderBoard;
  • Developed and launched reward function of LeaderBoard;
  • Developed and launched the API interface for random numbers;
  • Completed the Erc20 contract upgrade in TokenGenerate and updated the contract Bytecode;
  • Launched several Hscan tokens (Venture DAO, BTNG);
  • Fixed the login function of Hscan;
  • Fixed the precision problem when Hscan turns to float64.

HPB Nodes

  • Completed the development and launch of the 2FA dynamic verification code application that uses HPB random numbers;
  • Partially completed Gnosis Safe to enable HPB to support multi-signature transactions;
  • Investigated and formulated a node monitoring plan.

III. Ecosystem


The new version of HPB chain game AVA went online. The main content of this version update includes hero upgrade, hero level upgrade, hero star upgrade, soul synthesis, attribute addition, function of inviting friends, pledge to obtain governance tokens and other functions. See: http://hpb.avag.io


ZAN is newly listed on Hpdex. This is Zan DAO’s governance token on HPB, with a total issuance of 1 billion. Zan DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that represents the will of the community and is controlled by the community, disseminating business ideas and good practice and sharing results. See: https://www.hpclub.org/t/zan-is-newly-listed-on-hpdex/148

HPB/ZAN, HPD/ZAN, HPB/ESR, HPD/ESR and other mining pools have been added to Hpdex Farm. See: https://farm.hpdex.org/

VI. HPB Community

HPB Hackathon

HPB community developer and advisor Jeff started the HPB Hackathon on the Devpost. The competition is currently underway and developers can sign up and submit work until 31 May. See: https://hpb-hackathon.devpost.com/


HPB’s GitBook started to take shape in April and is expected to become the go-to source of basic up-to-date information on all things HPB. See: https://hpb.gitbook.io/high-performance-blockchain

About HPB
High Performance Blockchain (HPB) is a revolutionary permissionless blockchain architecture that combines HPB’s customized hardware Blockchain Offload Engine (BOE), with high-performance blockchain software, enabling unrivaled scalability.
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