HPB Monthly Progress Report — July 2022

HPB Global
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2022

I. Infrastructure and Tool Development

MainNet Basic Functions

  • Optimized the Consensus Algorithm by adding an automatic penaltymechanism;
  • Added a monitoring interface to the MainNet Node to ensure node security;
  • Optimized the network of the MainNet Node to improve the stability of the MainNet service;
  • Partially completed the development of a MainNet version that will support non-BOE nodesas well, which is planned to be launched in October;
  • Completed the MainNet hardware test and planned to launch the new firmware version in September.

HRG DApp Development

  • Completed the development and testing of the first version of the DApps showcase;
  • Launched HPB DApp at https://dapp.hpb.io/;
  • Adjusted the callback methods of HRG subscription and fixed potential security hazards.

Hscan and Infrastructure Optimization

  • Fixed the back-end contract verification function of Hscan;
  • Optimized UI front-end functions of Hscan;
  • Fixed Hscan’s incompatibility with Firefox browser;
  • Completed the optimization of Hscan API, and standardized the data format of the current API to make it familiar to Ethereum developers;
  • Optimized the Hscan query service for the data associated with a single transaction;
  • Completed the Unit Converter function of Hscan;
  • Added the function for broadcasting a Raw Transaction;
  • Added the Gas Price function.

Other Basic Settings

  • Partially completed the monitoring tool of https://hpbnode.com, displaying the current data request volume in real time;
  • Completed the optimization of dynamic password for Android phones.

II. Ecosystem

Vanity-HPB (custom wallet address generator)

With this DApp you can choose part of the wallet address you create yourself, making it more familiar: https://t.me/hpbglobal/541551

Thanks to Jeff for migrating this DApp.

Website: https://vanityhpb.com/

Padiswap (swaps)

HPB/ONE pair liquidity added on PadiSwap.

Website: https://hpb.padiswap.com

III. HPB Community

  • Q&A with Hackathon winner Pablo Rego Telegram:https://t.me/hpbglobal/541930;
  • ‘Best practice for launching DApp & Dex Listing’;
  • Community developers helped produce this guide for GitBook: https://bit.ly/3Q0BPiI;
  • Updated long text for HPB on CoinMarketCap. Updated basic info on Coingecko;
  • Organized Twitter giveaways for HPB and ONE token via Twitter;
  • HPB Chinese community launched active ranking and invitation reward activities https://t.me/hpb_zw/76802;
  • HPB Indonesia community launched an airdrop reward campaign https://t.me/HPBIndonesia/5776.

Join HPB’s Community

HPB official website: https://www.hpb.io/

GitBook: https://hpb.gitbook.io/

GitHub: https://github.com/hpb-project

Snapshot: https://gov.hpb.io/#/

Discord: https://discord.gg/JwBe3AVN


Global: https://t.me/hpbglobal

Chinese: https://t.me/hpb_zw

Vietnamese: https://t.me/HPB_Vietnam

Indonesian: https://t.me/HPBIndonesia

About HPB
High Performance Blockchain (HPB) is a revolutionary permissionless blockchain architecture that combines HPB’s customized hardware Blockchain Offload Engine (BOE), with high-performance blockchain software, enabling unrivaled scalability.
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