Hscan adds DCPP confidential payment transaction contract queries

HPB Global
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2022

Hscan users can now query and confirm the status of confidential transfers between HPB accounts. See:https://hscan.org/cftxs

The new DCPP confidential payment interface makes it easy for users to search for and find a transaction. The interface shows a transaction’s Txn Hash, the Block it was written, when it was written (Age), the transaction fee, and where it was sent from.

Two types of transaction are recorded on the interface:

1) Transactions showing the amount of HPB converted to HCASH for future private transfers. This shows in the Value column of the transactions list.

2) Transactions conducted using HCASH where the amount transferred and the HCASH balance of the sending wallet remain private. These show as 0 HPB Value transactions in the transactions list.

Hscan will continue to add functions that enhance the user experience. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

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