Tutorial | How to mint HRC-721 NFT assets on iNFT

HPB Global
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2021

NFT asset exchange iNFT.io has launched a Beta function for minting NFT assets on HPB MainNet. In future, iNFT will continue to improve this NFT minting experience and open up NFT asset issuance and transaction functions on HPB MainNet.

Specific tutorial for minting is as follows — give it a try!

1. Preconditions

1.1 Install Metamask Wallet

Install Google Chrome browser and add Metamask Wallet extension (MetaMask Version 9.1.1).

Address: https://metamask.io/

1.2 Configure Metamask Wallet to support HPB MainNet

2. Start to mint an NFT

2.1 Enter the iNFT Platform


2.2 Click “Account” to open “My project”

Reminder: to log in for the first time, you first need to “Create a New Account” with a valid email address.

2.3 Perform “Create NFT” on the “My project” page. Click the “Create NFT” button to start.

2.4 Enter the “Create NFT” page, input content according to the prompts, and click the “Submit” button.

Note: iNFT is connected with ETH MainNet by default, so the default pricing is ETH; if it’s connected to HPB MainNet, the currency is actually HPB Coin.

2.5 Enter the pop-up interface of “Create Steps”, and click the “Create” button according to the prompts.

2.6 Pay the NFT minting fee when the Metamask authorization page pops up.

2.7 After making the payment successfully, authorize the NFT ownership, and then continue to click “Confirm”.

2.8 The minting of your NFT is completed; you can now view your completed NFT assets on the “My project” page.

3. Check your NFT is now on-chain

3.1 Open HPB’s block browser


3.2 Input TxHash address to check the NFT assets you minted.

About HPB

High Performance Blockchain (HPB) is a revolutionary permissionless blockchain architecture that combines HPB’s customized hardware Blockchain Offload Engine (BOE), with high-performance blockchain software, enabling unrivaled scalability.

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