Overcoming Message Delivery Challenges in Distributed Systems: A Comprehensive Look at Outbox and Inbox Patterns

Hiten Pratap Singh
Published in
7 min readJun 20, 2023

In the realm of distributed systems, ensuring reliable message delivery and processing can be quite challenging. Two commonly used patterns that aid this process are the Outbox and Inbox patterns. In this blog post, we will dig into these patterns, understand their usage.

The Outbox Pattern

The Outbox pattern refers to the use of a database as an intermediary for message exchange between services. Rather than directly communicating with other services, a service stores its outgoing messages in a local database, referred to as the "Outbox." A separate process then reads these messages and sends them to the recipient services.

This pattern has a crucial role in ensuring the consistency of distributed transactions. By persisting the local state and the outgoing messages atomically in the same local transaction, the Outbox pattern prevents inconsistencies that might occur due to the sender’s state changes being visible before the messages are sent.

Here is a simplified Java code snippet illustrating the Outbox pattern:

// Define the Outbox Message entity
public class OutboxMessage {
private Long id;

private String payload;

// getters and setters

// Service performing a local transaction and adding a message to the outbox
public void performAction() {
// Perform local transaction
// ...

OutboxMessage outboxMessage = new OutboxMessage();
outboxMessage.setPayload("Payload for the message");


The message sender writes the message into the outbox as part of the local transaction. A separate publisher process then reads and sends these messages.

public void publishOutboxMessages() {
List<OutboxMessage> messages = outboxRepository.findAll();

for (OutboxMessage message : messages) {

The Inbox Pattern

Complementary to the Outbox pattern, the Inbox pattern is used at the receiving side of the communication. The recipient service stores incoming messages in a local database, referred to as the "Inbox." Before processing a message, the service checks if it has already been processed to ensure idempotence.

Here is a simplified Java code snippet illustrating the Inbox pattern:

// Define the Inbox Message entity
public class InboxMessage {
private String id;
private String payload;

// getters and setters

// Service receiving a message and storing it in the inbox
public void receiveMessage(String messageId, String payload) {
if (inboxRepository.existsById(messageId)) {
return; // Message already processed, ignore it

InboxMessage inboxMessage = new InboxMessage();


In this example, before processing a message, we ensure that it hasn’t already been processed. If it hasn’t, we store the message in the Inbox and proceed with processing. If it has, we skip the processing, providing an idempotent operation.

Delivery Guarantees

In the context of distributed systems, there are three main types of delivery guarantees:

  1. At most once: Messages may be lost but are never delivered more than once.
  2. At least once: Messages are never lost but may be delivered more than once.
  3. Exactly once: Messages are never lost and never delivered more than once.

The Outbox and Inbox patterns together can help achieve exactly-once message delivery. The Outbox pattern ensures that each message is sent at least once, while the Inbox pattern ensures that each message is processed exactly once.

Trade-offs and Considerations

While the Outbox and Inbox patterns provide significant advantages in distributed systems, it’s important to understand their trade-offs and considerations:

Outbox Pattern

  1. Atomicity Requirement: The Outbox pattern relies on atomicity between state changes and outbox insertion. This means it generally requires usage of relational databases that support ACID transactions.
  2. Message Ordering: The Outbox pattern does not inherently guarantee message ordering. If your application requires messages to be processed in the order they were sent, you would need to add an additional mechanism, like a timestamp or sequence number, to ensure the correct order.
  3. Additional Processing Overhead: The Outbox pattern introduces additional processing overhead, as it requires a separate publisher process to send the messages.

Inbox Pattern

  1. Storage Overhead: The Inbox pattern requires storing every message, leading to potential storage overhead. You might need to employ strategies like Inbox pruning to manage this.
  2. Processing Delays: The Inbox pattern can introduce delays in message processing due to the need for deduplication checks.

Code Enhancements and Production Readiness

The code snippets provided earlier offer a simplified demonstration of the Outbox and Inbox patterns. However, for a production-grade system, you'll need to add enhancements such as error handling, message retries, and performance optimizations.

For instance, the publishOutboxMessages() method in the Outbox pattern can be improved by handling publishing errors and retrying failed messages:

public void publishOutboxMessages() {
List<OutboxMessage> messages = outboxRepository.findAll();

for (OutboxMessage message : messages) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle exception and maybe retry

Likewise, in a real-world Inbox, you would want to process the messages asynchronously to avoid blocking the receiver while the message is being processed:

public void receiveMessage(String messageId, String payload) {
if (inboxRepository.existsById(messageId)) {
return; // Message already processed, ignore it

InboxMessage inboxMessage = new InboxMessage();

executorService.submit(() -> processMessage(payload));

Here, executorService is a thread pool that processes the messages in separate threads.

Design Alternatives to Outbox and Inbox Patterns

While Outbox and Inbox patterns provide robust solutions for distributed systems, they may not always be the perfect fit. Understanding the alternative patterns and techniques available is crucial to make an informed design decision based on your specific use cases.

Database-Integrated Message Queues

In certain scenarios, you can leverage the capabilities of a database that integrates message queues. These databases offer built-in mechanisms to enqueue messages as part of a database transaction. A prime example of this is PostgreSQL’s LISTEN/NOTIFY mechanism.

Distributed Transactions

Distributed transactions or two-phase commit protocols can be a viable alternative when ACID properties are required over multiple databases or services. However, distributed transactions come with their own drawbacks, including performance overhead and complexity.

Compensating Transactions (Saga Pattern)

The Saga pattern is a design pattern that provides an alternative to traditional distributed transactions. In this pattern, each distributed transaction is broken down into local transactions, each having a compensating transaction. The local transactions are executed in a specific order. If a local transaction fails, the compensating transactions are executed to rollback the changes made by the previous local transactions.

Monitoring and Metrics

Now that we have delved into various patterns and their usage in the distributed systems, it’s important to talk about another aspect which is crucial in production systems: Monitoring and Metrics.

Monitoring your Outbox and Inbox implementations will provide you with insights into your system’s behavior and allow you to identify potential issues before they affect your system’s stability or performance.

For instance, you may want to monitor the following:

  • Outbox and Inbox size: The current size of your Outbox and Inbox can indicate whether your system is able to process messages at the rate they’re being produced.
  • Message delivery latency: Tracking the time taken from when a message is written to the Outbox to when it’s processed from the Inbox can help you identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Message failure rate: The rate at which message delivery or processing attempts are failing.

In Java, libraries such as Micrometer or Dropwizard Metrics can be used to collect these metrics.

Monitoring and Metrics

Now that we have delved into various patterns and their usage in the distributed systems, it’s important to talk about another aspect which is crucial in production systems: Monitoring and Metrics.

Monitoring your Outbox and Inbox implementations will provide you with insights into your system’s behavior and allow you to identify potential issues before they affect your system’s stability or performance.

For instance, you may want to monitor the following:

  • Outbox and Inbox size: The current size of your Outbox and Inbox can indicate whether your system is able to process messages at the rate they’re being produced.
  • Message delivery latency: Tracking the time taken from when a message is written to the Outbox to when it’s processed from the Inbox can help you identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Message failure rate: The rate at which message delivery or processing attempts are failing.

In Java, libraries such as Micrometer or Dropwizard Metrics can be used to collect these metrics.

For instance, if you are using Micrometer, you could measure the size of the Outbox and Inbox like this:

// Gauge to monitor the size of the Outbox
Gauge.builder("outbox.size", outboxRepository, OutboxRepository::count)

// Gauge to monitor the size of the Inbox
Gauge.builder("inbox.size", inboxRepository, InboxRepository::count)

To measure message delivery latency, you could use a Timer:

Timer timer = Timer.builder("message.delivery.latency")

public void publishOutboxMessages() {
List<OutboxMessage> messages = outboxRepository.findAll();

for (OutboxMessage message : messages) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle exception and maybe retry
} finally {
timer.record(System.nanoTime() - start, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

Designing distributed systems is complex and requires careful consideration of the trade-offs associated with each design pattern or choice. While the Outbox and Inbox patterns offer excellent solutions for message consistency and reliability, other patterns and techniques may be better suited for different use cases.

The ultimate decision will depend on your specific needs, constraints, and the nature of your system. It’s crucial to understand the capabilities of your technology stack and consider how different design choices might interact with these capabilities.

