#Question: Climate Change — What is the best economic solution to the problem of climate change?

From November 30th to December 11th, the U.N. Conference on Climate Change will bring countries together to negotiate an international framework addressing climate change.

Hamilton Place Strategies
HPS Insight
1 min readOct 14, 2015


Needless to say, the conference involves conflicting interests — developed countries are determined to continue the clean energy revolution, while developing countries worry that the costs necessary to do so would harm their burgeoning economies.

International leaders have already implemented a variety of economically-driven environmental policies. Some European nations have advanced environmental taxes. Alternatively, China recently announced plans for a cap-and-trade program, and the United States has historically emphasized command-and-control policies.

So, in anticipation of the conference, we ask the HPS team:

What is the best economic solution to the problem of climate change?



Hamilton Place Strategies
HPS Insight

HPS uses substantive analysis to understand complex topics, and creative public affairs tools to explain issues to target audiences and reach stakeholders.