
How to Write for High-Performance Lifestyle on Medium

We’d Love to Have you Join our Community of High-Performers!

Tony U. Francisco
High-Performance Lifestyle
4 min readMar 13, 2022


Image by the author on Canva.

First off, I want to personally like to thank you for your interest in the High-Performance Lifestyle publication.

Our publication is a space for anyone looking to reach a higher level of performance, in whatever way that looks for them.

What this usually boils down to is a systematic improvement in certain skills that promote sustained excellence. Or as I like to say, skills designed to enhance all aspects of a high-performance life.

“A high-performance life is the intentional application of focus, energy, physicality, mindset, emotional intelligence, creativity, and personal effectiveness in a way that optimizes performance and produces uncommon results.” — HPXL

Some of the things I personally like to focus on encompassing what I like to call the MCD Universe: Mindset. Character. Discipline. For me, these are the core components of an integrated life moving toward a destination.



Tony U. Francisco
High-Performance Lifestyle

Professional Coach that uses Performance Psychology to help People and Organizations Thrive.