Introducing the Master of Work Series

Master of Work is a series of short biographies on the work ethic, routines, habits, and mindsets of great leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes, and artists

Tony U. Francisco
High-Performance Lifestyle


Image by the author on Canva.

The Master of Work series is a nod to greatness. The best of all time, some of the most widely recognized names in sports and business, but also those that you may not know, who continue to work on their craft every day.

Mastery is not as mysterious as it used to be. We now know that mastery is the result of thousands of hours of deliberate practice. It is the culmination of a mindset that refuses to stop getting better. The very act of doing things that others will not is the precursor to mastery.

“Although it might be something we experience for only a short while, for others — Masters of their field — it becomes their way of life, their way of seeing the world.” — Robert Greene

When you are willing to go above and beyond, for years, not days, and to fail over and over again in pursuit of only a fraction of improvement, then you are on the path to mastery. It is what Kobe Bryant calls the Mamba Mentality.

“To constantly try to be the best version of yourself. It’s a constant quest to try to better today than you were…



Tony U. Francisco
High-Performance Lifestyle

Professional Coach that uses Performance Psychology to help People and Organizations Thrive.