Top 5 Skills to Achieve Fat Loss This Summer

The fundamental skills no one likes to talk about

Tony U. Francisco
High-Performance Lifestyle


Photo by J Torres on Unsplash.

As summer rapidly approaches, many of us begin to focus more intently on our fat loss goals.

Achieving and maintaining a lean physique demands the mastery of certain essential skills. These fundamental skills do not require hours in the gym or excessive diet hacks. You won’t need to cut out entire food groups or demonize specific things, such as high fructose corn syrup. For anything, the poison is in the dose, and awareness of how much (quantity) you consume is more important than just what you are consuming (quality). The former also informs the latter, meaning if you focus on quantity, you will have to address quality at some point because the worst foods tend to be the most calorie-dense.

Here’s a look at five key skills to hone in on if you’re serious about losing fat this summer.

1. Understanding Caloric Awareness

One of the foundational skills for successful fat loss is developing a keen awareness of calories consumed. Caloric awareness helps you make informed decisions about what, when, and how much to eat. Start by determining your daily caloric needs, which vary based on factors like age, sex, weight, height, and physical activity level. Tools such as…



Tony U. Francisco
High-Performance Lifestyle

Professional Coach that uses Performance Psychology to help People and Organizations Thrive.