How to Find Someone’s Email Address: List of Best Email Finders

Kristina Martic
HR Blog & Resources
5 min readDec 20, 2017
how to find someone’s email

Finding someone’s email address is one the key pain points in modern recruiting. That’s why professional recruiting masterminds use so called “email finders”, online sourcing tools that can help you find somebody’s email address for free in as little as a few seconds!

Email finders for recruiting?

Finding someone’s email address is one the key pain points in modern recruitment marketing. The way we recruit has changed. The war for talent is ranging on. For these reasons, instead of using “post and pray” method, we now have to proactively search for talent.

And when we find that perfect candidates, it’s crucial to contact them as soon as possible, in the most professional way — via email. But what to do when you just can’t seem to find your perfect candidate’s email address?

Source passive candidates with email finders

73% of your potential candidates are passive, especially the best job candidates. Passive candidates are those candidates who are not actively looking for a new job, but would be willing to accept a better offer.

Remember, a better offer doesn’t necessarily mean more money. It can be anything from flexible working time, education, opportunities to grow, benefits to cool projects. That being said, you have to think carefully how to approach passive candidates.

How to find someone’s email address?

How do professional recruiting masterminds solve the problem of “missing” email addresses?
They use so called “email finders”, online sourcing tools that can help you find somebody’s email address for free in as little as a few seconds!

List of best email finders

There are many similar email finders out there, so it can be very difficult to find the perfect one, especially if you have a tight budget (or no budget at all). That’s why we came up with this top 5 list of the best email finders you can use for free (to some extent).

1. Email Hunter

Why we like it: Email Hunter allows you to search for email addresses by the person’s name, but also by domain. Search by domain means that if you type in any company domain (, it will scan that domain for email addresses and you’ll quickly get a list of all publicly available email addresses associated with it. When you find an email address you were looking for, you can type it in and Email Hunter will verify it for you!

2. Voila Norbert

Why we like it: Meet Norbert, a guy who promises he can find anyone’s corporate email. You can search for anyone’s email address based on their name and company (or website). Once he finds that someone’s email address, Norbert can also verify it for you.

3. Find That Lead

Why we like it: Find That Lead offers a few more search options than previously mentioned email finders. You can search for an email based on a name and domain, but also based on a social media profile URL. Currently they support LinkedIn and Twitter. You can also choose between the different variables (e.g. location, job title, company industry, degree etc.) to make your search more accurate and find the right prospect. Find That Lead also offers email address verifier.

4. Lusha

Why we like it: Lusha is a browser extension focused on finding personal email addresses and phone numbers from people’s social profiles on sites such as Twitter or LinkedIn. It also offers an email template you can edit, save and use to reach out to potential candidates.

5. Headreach

Why we like it: Headreach is very interesting email finder because it offers a possibility to search and find someone’s email address and social profiles by their personal name only, but also by domain, company etc. It also offers advanced search with different variables (e.g. position, industry, keywords, country, location, etc.).

6. Email Generator

Why we like it: If you tried out all of the above mentioned free email finders and came up empty handed, don’t despair — all is not lost yet! We present you Email Generator! This completely free online tool will help you generate possible email combinations and see if any is real.

7. All My Tweets

Why we like it: If your potential candidate is active on Twitter, you have to try this! This tool wasn’t originally meant to be used for finding email addresses, so its powers are still quite hidden. Take advantage of that and learn how to hack out anyone’s email address through Twitter!

What’s your favorite email finder?

Clearly, there are many email finders out there. You favorite one may not be on this list, but we would love to hear about which email finder tool best helps your recruiting strategy?

Take your sourcing strategy to a whole new level!

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