Become the Manager Your Employee Deserves!

Team HR
HR Central (Ketto)
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2021

“A good manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can.”

— Frederick W. Smith

It takes time to create the kind of work environment your team wants and deserves. Join us as we discuss the details of how to implement the most compelling forms of communication, motivation, and recognition in your specific workplace.

  • Lead with Optimism

When a team is struggling, managers with a negative attitude can wreak havoc on many things. Being motivated becomes increasingly difficult when the atmosphere is hostile.

Infuse positivity into your workplace by leading by example.

  • Take Accountability

A person’s accountability is a management control process that results in response to their actions. These responses can be positive or negative.

Instead of blaming others for poor decisions, a good manager takes responsibility and focuses on ways to get better results.

  • Develop Emotional Intelligence

Know and understand your emotions as well as those around you. Respond instead of reacting to conflict. Develop self-awareness and empathize with others.

The more negativity you surround yourself with, the more difficult it is to stay motivated.

  • Empower And Help Develop Employee’s Career

Provide your employees with opportunities that can help them improve their skills and support them throughout the process. Demonstrate that you care for their well-being.

Moreover, establish clear expectations, provide necessary resources, accept employee ideas, and of course, recognize hard work.

  • Never Micromanage

Micromanagement is exactly what it sounds like; someone controlling and monitoring everything that happens in an organization, situation, or place.

Make sure not to micromanage every detail. Micromanagement stifles initiative and damages motivation. Whenever possible, delegate tasks so you can focus on the core/essential tasks and give credit to your employees.

  • Relate To The Challenges Of Your Employees

Assist employees with their personal challenges by providing some flexibility and offering a helping hand, if necessary.

When an employee makes a mistake, don’t cover it up. Instead, find options to correct the error. It is crucial to relate to employees’ problems and make them comfortable when they feel that they do not fit in or are not being heard.

  • Practice Transparency

You want your employees to trust you, and for that to happen, you need to be transparent with them. Tell them the reasons for your decision. Also, be transparent about where your employees stand with your decision.

  • Recognize And Reward Good Work

Appreciating employees leads to an increase in their engagement, productivity, and their loyalty towards the company.

Taking the time to recognize employees makes them feel appreciated and ensures their contribution to the success of their teams and the company as a whole.

  • Communicate Effectively

The workday of a manager is filled with talking, listening, presenting, and sharing information.

Be positive and clear in your communication. Being an active listener is the key to effective communication. To make sure your employees grow, you need to provide them with continuous and constructive feedback.



Team HR
HR Central (Ketto)

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