Creating a Flexible Work Environment

Team HR
HR Central (Ketto)
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2021

Working in a flexible environment means escaping the regular constraints of a traditional job. Such an environment caters to the individual needs of employees and allows them to better balance work hours with personal responsibilities.

At Ketto, we place a great emphasis on creating a flexible work environment. It is important to do so because we believe it creates an environment of trust — and when employees feel trusted and valued, they’re happier and more comfortable at work. Join us as we talk about the factors that have helped create a flexible work environment here at Ketto.

Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

Nowadays, especially when we are all connected through technology, it is hard to separate work and personal life. Since the pandemic began, the lines have blurred

A work-life balance promotes mindfulness and prevents burnout.

As a result, we at Ketto do not believe that you should be checking your mail during your lunch break or getting occupied with chores. We provide our members with the freedom to take breaks throughout the day at their convenience and preference.

Work Relationships

Work Relationships

With everyone working remotely at this point, the managers’ relationship with employees has evolved. Leaders no longer mandate that employees report to the office every day to work. We have come to recognize that everyone has a lot on their plate in their personal lives. And so, people in the workplace have become more empathetic, understanding, and trusting of one another.

Moreover, it appears that employees are taking part in more fun and team-building activities than ever before. For instance, at Ketto, the Business Development team takes daily “chai breaks” where everything but work is discussed.

Work Efficiency

Work Efficiency

Having flexibility allows employees to create, innovate, and develop ways that work best for them. Employees receive a sense of trust from their managers when they are flexible, making them more engaged and dedicated to their work.

Due to the current pandemic, employees are often living out of their homes and working at hours that favour productivity.

Employee Wellbeing

Employee Wellbeing

Keeping people at the forefront is essential to make any workplace prosper. A flexible work environment is employee-centric and ensures that they are not under immense pressure at any given point in time. It leads to reduced psychological stress, work-related conflicts. Furthermore, flexibility at the workplace has also been linked to reduced work-family conflict, leading to higher sleep quality and better self-reported health.

Ketto understands that working excessive hours can lead to mental exhaustion and stress. To remedy this, we introduced a 2-day wellness leave that employees can take to rejuvenate and lift their spirits.

Improved Diversity

Improved Diversity

Hiring people from all kinds of backgrounds widens the range of thinking that takes place in your office.

At Ketto, we believe that employees from different skill sets and walks of life come with a wide range of perspectives. While hiring a candidate, we do not use a homogenous scale. Instead, we use a flexible hiring approach. We believe that limiting the candidate pool to a few locations would make the workforce less diverse.

Improved Employee Engagement

Improved Employee Engagement

Employee engagement refers to how emotionally and mentally connected your employees are to the work they do, their team, and the organisation.

It is crucial to implement employee engagement programs as they help create a more flexible work environment.

At Ketto, we love promoting employee engagement and a positive work environment. We do so by arranging various programs such as employee recognition, peer-to-peer recognition, team games, and so on.



Team HR
HR Central (Ketto)

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