Rohia Munavar
HR Tech Spotlight
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2019


It’s your first day at work and you are filled with enthusiasm to contribute to the company’s vision and prove yourself. But you have no idea how things work at your new office or where to start.

Wouldn’t it be more helpful, if your work goals were clearly communicated to you through key results?

Onboarding is a fairly overwhelming affair and most new hires face a few common challenges like lack of clarity in their job role, change management, learning about the company, product, marketplace etc.

But as an HR manager, you can use OKRs to help your new hires.

What Are Objectives And Key Results (OKRs)?

OKRs stand for ‘Objectives And Key Results’. OKRs are a popular approach for goal-setting which allows employees to execute individual and organizational goals.

OKRs are a popular approach for goal-setting which allows employees to execute individual and organizational goals. OBJECTIVES are something that you want to achieve, and KEY RESULTS are a measurable way to keep track of how close you are to achieve your objective.

Click here to continue reading about Objectives and Key Results

Here are five reasons why you need objectives and key results for new hires at your workplace.

OKRs Help You Prioritize

We all have those days when we have too much on our plates and do not know where to start. Defining Objectives and Key Results helps you understand which tasks hold more importance and which ones can be pushed behind. They help your new hires understand their goals better and give them a sense of direction. It is easier to accomplish goals when they are specific and easy to understand.

They Give You Clarity

OKRs are simple and transparent. They give you a clear understanding of why you need to accomplish a goal and how you can do it. They reduce the overall time spent on setting and accomplishing a goal. Objectives help new hires understand what is expected of them and key results help them understand how they can achieve the objective.

OKRs Promote Teamwork

Company and team OKRs are usually visible to everyone. This allows the new hires to gain an understanding of what their coworkers are working on and how they can contribute to accomplishing company goals as a team. This visibility of team OKRs to each other allows team members to support each other and complete their individual goals too.

Also Read: 5 Most Common OKR Myths Busted!

They Help You Track Progress

As a new hire, it is really stressful to manage your tasks, learn about your work at new office and keep track of your performance. There is a possibility that your manager and you might not even be on the same page when it comes to evaluating your own performance. OKRs allow you to keep track of your progress. With OKRs, managers also can keep track of the progress of their direct reports and communicate with them directly.

OKRs Help You Align With Company Values

This is one of the very important aspects of using OKRs at workplace. When you hire someone new, they usually have one question: ‘What difference does my contribution make to the organization’. With OKRs, you can align individual goals with company goals and employees can easily understand how their contribution matters to the organization.

Originally published On : Goals and Objectives | Engagedly



Rohia Munavar
HR Tech Spotlight

Evolving through bad decisions since ’91. Got a second chance at life during the pandemic. Writing relatable stories for unheard souls.