Why AI Recruiting Chatbots are all the buzz these days?

Riya Shah
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2021


Originally posted on: hrtech.sg

Selecting the right employees is a determining factor for any organization’s success and this holds true for every type of organization. But talent acquisition is a herculean task — it’s tough to have a quick time-to-hire along with a high quality of hires.

According to Jobscan, more than 95% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS. Yet 63% of candidates are dissatisfied with the way employers communicate. Come to think of it, most ATS’ fail to offer a complete package — one that offers efficient ways to engage with candidates, improve brand image, and track candidate NPS. This hinders an effective talent acquisition process.

Image Credit: Zappyhire

Conversational AI: The Game-changer

Conversational AI has emerged as one of the most ingenious technologies over the last few years. Most businesses adopt this technology to personalize customer engagement and increase lead generation. In fact, the pandemic and remote work would have only boosted the demand for conversational AI.

Conversational AI has become a familiar face in numerous industries especially in banking, insurance, and healthcare. The advancement of this technology has transformed monotonous machine-like conversations into engaging human-like conversations.

Candidate Experience is Crucial

A positive candidate experience is key to every company’s brand image. After all 69% of candidates would share their negative experiences with friends and family, according to Talentegy.

To provide the best candidate experience, every recruiter needs to engage with candidates (however large the candidate pool) and build personal relationships with each of them. Even with conventional ATS’, recruiters are engrossed in manual tasks slowing down their ability to communicate with candidates resulting in a mediocre candidate experience.

Image credit: Zappyhire

Why Should You Include AI Bots?

AI bots can make the life of a recruiter super easy. Let’s see how:

1. Intelligent Job Application and Filtering

Filling forms is hands down one of the most boring tasks for a candidate. AI chatbots liven things up by collecting necessary information through an engaging conversation. This data, along with the resume parser is then used to filter out and zero-in on the most suitable candidates for a job.

2. Auto-Schedule Interviews

46% of recruiters spend their time on mundane tasks like coordinating interview schedules between candidates and interviewers. What if they can save a lot of time!? AI chatbots can initiate and complete interview schedules after confirming the availability of multiple stakeholders. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks!

3. Proactively Collect Additional Candidate Information

Gathering additional information from the candidate during the hiring process can slow things down by a great deal. This is because sending out questions and waiting for candidates’ responses creates a lag. This not only puts a lot of stress on recruiters who are eager to fill vacancies but also puts companies at the risk of losing top candidates. AI chatbots proactively reach out to candidates and update their information around the clock leaving you to focus on more important tasks.

4. Assessments

Chatbots offer candidates the flexibility to complete assessments at any time, anywhere. In this era, where almost everything happens virtually, chatbots are truly one of a kind solution in conducting various types of assessments in interactive ways. The number of companies using proactive chatbots in such ways is increasing rapidly.

We(Zappyhire) have been helping organizations to modernize the entire recruitment process using our proprietor conversation engine through text/voice engagement. Would you like to explore how enterprises are adopting the latest technology in talent acquisition? We’re around to show you: jyothis@zappyhire.com

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