Here’s Why Canada Is Soon Going Be Numero Uno Study Abroad Destination

HSA Visa World
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2019

Canada is known to be a land of immigrants. The country thrives on its strong immigration policy that welcomes thousands of immigrants from the world over every year. Though it stands firm as one of the top choices for international students, it lagged behind countries like the US, the UK, and Australia. However, this might soon change.

Eased rules for international students

In the latest development, the Canadian Government has eased rules for international students.

According to The Christian Science Monitor, “International students can now work on and off campus while studying and secure three-year visas afterward, all of which counts toward eventual permanent residency — making Canadian academia more international than it has ever been.”

Owing to an aging population, the Canadian government has taken these steps that can prove to be a blessing for this country.

Best time to study in Canada!

The article further stated that “Graduates who stay continue to contribute to our economy, starting businesses and becoming major assets to Canadian companies with their global perspective and ties to international markets. Those who return home act as ambassadors for Canada, deepening our ties with those countries and encouraging more students to come here.”

The article further stated that “Graduates who stay continue to contribute to our economy, starting businesses and becoming major assets to Canadian companies with their global perspective and ties to international markets. Those who return home act as ambassadors for Canada, deepening our ties with those countries and encouraging more students to come here.”

One of the strongest steps that the Canadian government has taken in this regard comes in the form of an extended application period for a post-grad work permit for international students. Now the students can apply for a work permit within 180 days once the education institute has submitted their marks. Earlier this time frame was 90 days.

Grab this opportunity!

If you are planning to study abroad, it is time to be quick and make the decision. Canadian universities and colleges are waiting for you. So, what are you waiting for?

Visit HSA Visa World now for any type of counseling, and study abroad help.

Originally published on Visa World Blog.



HSA Visa World

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