Study In New Zealand — Here Are Top 7 Reasons Why!

HSA Visa World
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2019

Study in New Zealand has emerged as one of the most popular options amongst students today. Are you also thinking about studying abroad? Thinking about it is easy. The real challenge lies in selecting the perfect country, college and course of your choice.

Want to study in New Zealand? Visit HSA Visa World today.

If you aspire to study abroad but are still unsure about which country to choose then today we are going to shed some light on reasons that make New Zealand a perfect study abroad destination. Without beating around the bush let us straight away get to the list of reasons why you should study in New Zealand –

1. Finest Quality Of Education

If we talk in terms of quality of education, New Zealand ranks amongst the top countries. The education system here is based on British Education Model. It is renowned for maintaining its stature for being of the best in the world. The main reason behind this high quality lies in the fact that the Government invests heavily on maintaining high-quality in education at every level. Agencies like the Ministry of Education, Education Review Office, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, and more ensure that the students get the best education.

2. Globally Recognized Universities

There are 8 Universities in New Zealand. All these universities find a place in the list of top universities in the world. This ranking is a reflection of the high stature of education you can expect to get while studying in the country. Moreover, employers really value graduates coming out of a New Zealand university. Hence you can expect to have a great future after completing education in the country.

3. Simple Eligibility Criterion

Even though the country has some of the best universities in the world, the entry requirements are minimal. Students with moderate marks/grades in the previous study can easily get accepted. From a Diploma, Bachelor to even Master Level, you can easily get admission. Even the English language requirement is quite less. Students having 5.5 bands overall can easily apply and get admission in New Zealand Universities.

4. Gap Acceptable

For students having a gap in studies, chances of getting a study visa become quite tough in countries like Australia and Canada. However, New Zealand is an international destination where you can easily get admission to a college and study visa even if you have a gap in your studies. This is one positive point which has come as a major attraction for students from all over the globe.

5. Work While You Study

Just like any other international study destination, you are also eligible to work while you study in New Zealand. During study, you can work 20-hours per week of part-time. While during holidays and semester breaks you can work full-time i.e. 40 hours per week. And, the payouts in New Zealand are quite good.

Moreover, a number of New Zealand Universities provide you a paid-internship. This internship you get as part of the study curriculum. Hence taking care of your expenses while you are in this country is not a problem.

6. Study In New Zealand, Move To Australia

Studying in New Zealand can be one of the easiest ways to move to Australia. Being neighbor countries, people living in New Zealand can go to Australia and vice versa. After getting New Zealand education you can open many routes for moving to Australia and live there. Though New Zealand is by no means lesser than its Big Brother!

7. Quick And Easy Process

The best thing about the New Zealand study visa process is that it is not cumbersome. Unlike many other popular countries, the process is quick and easy. You can get an offer letter from the college/university within days. And, then the entire process is underway. With the right guidance and right study abroad consultant, you can eventually get a successful study visa in a matter of days.

There you have it — 7 top reasons that put New Zealand right on top when we talk about popular study abroad destinations. If you have a dream to study in a foreign country, then you must think about going to New Zealand for sure.

To help you in the process and to make sure you have a hassle-free journey to study in New Zealand, get in touch with our study visa counselors right away!

Originally published on Visa World Blog!



HSA Visa World

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