Highly Sensitive Perspective on Blood Types and Zodiac Sign

Minorlyn - Writer
HSP Joyful Insights
7 min readFeb 12, 2024

Hello, I’m Minorlyn, an individual with a heightened sensitivity known as HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). In this article, I’ll take you through my journey of self-discovery, exploring the intriguing realms of blood types and zodiac signs.

I only realized that I was an HSP a few years ago. Throughout my life of about 40 years, only my mother and a few friends truly understood what I felt. Until then, I believed my sensitivity was deeply connected to blood types and zodiac signs. Regardless, since birth, it’s been something beyond my control. That’s precisely why I became curious about how sensitivity relates to blood types and zodiac signs.

You might call it the combined musings of an introspective soul, an HSP navigating the astrological and physiological compass points that guide our destinies.

Encountering HSP

Discovering my HSP identity just six years ago in my early 40s made me reflect on how different life might have been if I had embraced this trait earlier. Before this revelation, I faced the daily struggle of being labeled as an overthinker and overreactor, and I constantly questioned why I didn’t navigate life as smoothly as others.

Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

When spoken to or touched unexpectedly, I startle as if jumping, and every time I see flowers or stray cats in the neighborhood, exclaiming ‘Beautiful!’ or ‘Cute!’ with genuine awe, people label me as overreacting. For me, these moments unquestionably elevate my heart rate or bring tears, yet others dismiss these occurrences as if they never happened, as if I existed in a different world.

What particularly puzzled me was, ‘Why do these people continue doing things they claim to dislike?’ The answer became clear to me just a few years ago when I discovered that I am an HSP myself. It’s because the depth of my feelings when I say ‘dislike’ or ‘happy’ is profound. For about 40 years of my life, I analyzed my own misunderstood sensitivity and the feelings I perceived even in others’ indifference, attempting to validate and comprehend them in every possible way forcefully. For more about my sensitivity journey, please check Sensitivity Unveiled.

Interest in Blood Types and Zodiac Signs

Some may find it perplexing how HSP, blood types, and zodiac signs are interconnected.

Personality Determined by Blood Type

Particularly with blood types, there’s a unique interpretation in Japan that has been present for a long time, still serving as one criterion for judging people’s personalities. It’s important to note that this perspective lacks scientific validation.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

However, in the 1910s, medical researcher Kimata Hara in Japan first delved into knowledge about blood types, and about a decade later, English professor Takeji Furukawa offered insights into the correlation between temperament and blood types. This historical review of the ‘Blood Type Personality Correlation Theory’ discusses the four blood types, using the Japanese language conventions of that time, and its translation following the original.

“A型気質 遠慮深イ人,内気ナ人,温厚人、物 事ガ気ニカ、ル人、物事ヲ決スル時迷7人、用心深 イ人、深ク感動スル人、人ト余り争ハナイ人、自分 ラ犠牲ニスル人。
B型気質 気軽デアッサリシタ人、物事ラ長クハ 気ニシナイ人,物事=執着スル事ガ少ナイ人、快活 ニシテヨク談ズル人、刺戟ガ来ルト直グニ之=応ズ ル人(敏感),気軽二人ト交ル人、人ノ世話ナドヲ心 好クスル人、物事ニヨク気ノック人、事ヲナスニ派 チナ人。
O型気質落付イテル(被暗示性/少イ人),感情 二駆ラレナイ人、物=動ジナイ人,キカヌ気/人、 人二余り左右サレナイ人、精神力ノ強イ人、事ラ決 シタラ迷ハナイ人,意志ノ強イ人(根気ノヨイ人)、 オトナシ相デモ自信ノ強イ人。
AB型気質 外面ハB型デ内省ハA型内ト外 トガ異ッテ居テ判断シニクイ人”

type A Personality: Reserved, introverted, and sensitive individuals. They are gentle and thoughtful when making decisions and may hesitate during decision-making. They tend to be cautious, easily move, avoid conflicts, and may sacrifice themselves for others.
type B Personality: Casual and carefree individuals. They tend not to be attached to things, are lively, good at engaging in cheerful conversations, sensitive to stimulation, enjoy casual interactions, like taking care of others, and have a flexible mindset towards things.
type O Personality: Calm and less influenced by others. They find it challenging to express emotions openly, remain undisturbed by things, are independent thinkers, possess strong mental strength, make decisions decisively without much hesitation, have a strong will, and exude confidence, even in adulthood.
type AB Personality: Individuals who have a different personality externally (B-type) and internally (A-type). They are reflective and challenging to judge, having both introverted and extroverted aspects.

This blood type personality correlation theory was insightfully explored a century ago, in a completely different era from today. How does it resonate with you or those around you? In Japan, these beliefs are still deeply rooted, so if you were ever asked about your blood type by a Japanese person, they would likely be curious about your fundamental personality traits. Rest assured, they are not seeking your blood — it’s merely their way of understanding you better!

Personality Determined by Zodiac

We won’t go into detail about each of the 12 zodiac signs here, but the concept of character assessment and fortune-telling based on the zodiac is more prevalent in the West than that based on blood types. In many situations, people ask about the zodiac sign rather than blood type when meeting someone for the first time.

Photo by Arnaud Mariat on Unsplash

However, just like blood type judgments, character assessments based on the zodiac are not scientifically proven. Nevertheless, what keeps this belief alive for many is that when reflecting on their own personalities and past lives, there are aspects that seem to align with the judgments and fortunes based on the zodiac.

Self-Reflection via Blood Type and Zodiac

Here, I’ll objectively examine myself through blood type and zodiac signs. First, my blood type is A. According to the discussions in the 1910s, as mentioned earlier, individuals with blood type A are reserved, introverted, and sensitive. I would be a gentle and thoughtful decision-maker, often cautious and sensitive, inclined to avoid conflicts, and may prioritize others over myself.

Next, it’s about my personality as a Virgo. According to the Times of India, Virgos are said to have abundant mental energy, making them prone to exhaustion, and are known for delicately expressing their emotions and affection.

“yet they have so much mental energy that they are frequently stressed and tense. Their ardent desire for excellence and hard effort might lead them to be overly critical at times” (TOI Astrology, 2022)

My impression after reading these is “mostly accurate.” Of course, I understand that an individual’s personality is shaped not only by blood type or zodiac sign but also by the countless experiences and emotions that occur throughout one’s life, in addition to the genes inherited from parents. Most of you reading this article have never spoken to me, met me, or even seen my face or heard my voice. However, words like “sensitive,” “easily tired,” and “nervous” are commonly used in descriptions related to blood type A and the Virgo sign. Just the fact that I’m writing this series of Highly Sensitive Person may help you understand how it relates to my personality.

Relevance to Personal Growth

Judged from my blood type and zodiac sign, what I’ve come to accept about myself isn’t just related to sensitivity. It also includes traits like being helpful, patient, hardworking, perfectionistic, and critical of others. I acknowledge these aspects within myself, and, like sensitivity, they can also be sources of daily struggles.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Being helpful may lead to putting others before myself, being patient may lead to missing opportunities to express one’s feelings, working hard could lead to burnout, and perfectionism might result in focusing too much on details and not achieving goals. I can also see unpleasant aspects of myself, such as criticizing others when they don’t meet my standards of perfection. These traits often lie beneath my sensitivity and strong emotions, serving as part of self-defense mechanisms. However, I recognize that directing them toward others is not a positive behavior.

In this way, my recognition of myself as an HSP, along with the personality traits judged by my blood type and zodiac sign, not only have commonalities but are also two sides of the same coin. Recognizing these aspects, I can make my life as a Type A Virgo HSP better.


For some people, realizing the HSP identity may have come later in life, prompting reflections on how sensitivity influences various aspects of life. Discovering the potential correlations between our blood type and personality characteristics, as well as the traits associated with our zodiac sign, adds another layer to our understanding of ourselves. As we reflect on our own experiences and observations, we may recognize familiar patterns in the descriptions of different blood types and zodiac signs. However, it’s important to remember that our personalities are multifaceted and cannot be fully defined by any single factor. While our sensitivity may bring challenges, it also brings unique strengths and perspectives that enrich our lives and relationships.

By embracing the complexity of our personalities and striving for self-awareness and balance, we can navigate life with greater understanding and compassion. Together, let’s continue to explore and celebrate the diverse tapestry of human experiences.


Ohmura, Masao. Ukiya, Shuichi. and Fujita, Shuichi (2007, October 16). A Historical Criticism to the Blood, Temperament Correlation Theory -from the Period of Dr. K. Hara until Prof. T. Frukawa’s-. Japanese Journal of Applied Psychology. Retrieved February 6, 2024 from https://j-aap.jp/JJAP/JJAP_331_1-12.pdf

McGreal, S. A., MSc. (2022, June 30). The Final Word on Astrology and Personality The problem with “paranormal. Retrieved February 6, 2024, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unique-everybody-else/202206/the-final-word-astrology-and-personality

Times of India (2021, July 5). Virgo Personality Traits: All the secrets you need to know. Retrieved February 6, 2024, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unique-everybody-else/202206/the-final-word-astrology-and-personality



Minorlyn - Writer
HSP Joyful Insights

full-time HSP and fellow traveler / proofreading & digital transformation for a Japanese news/ jewelry and various stuff crafts mom of a teenager