Characteristic of Highly Sensitive Person
Some of those reading this article may identify as HSP, while others may not be familiar with the term. If you’ve ever felt curious about HSP and searched for experiences like “sensitive to loud noises” or “sensitive to bright lights,” you might have stumbled upon personal blogs, columns on mental health websites, or even articles discussing ‘Highly Sensitive Person/People.’
In my case, the search results felt almost like a revelation, as if the authors of those articles knew me intimately, describing various aspects of my nature. Discovering these insights about myself was shocking in multiple ways, yet ultimately, it was enlightening. So far, I’ve focused on various themes related to HSP, but in this post, I want to delve into the essence of being an HSP itself.
From empathizing with others to being deeply moved by the arts, there are individuals whose emotional sensors are tuned to a finer frequency. These folks are sometimes deemed overreactive or shy, but the truth is they might be Highly Sensitive Person or HSP, a trait and not a flaw. In a world that often values resilience and thick skin, it’s crucial to understand and celebrate sensitivity for what it truly is.
High sensitivity isn’t some mysterious malady that relegates you to the shadows under the stairs. It’s a personality trait, hardwired into the nervous…