The Connection Between HSP and Introverts

Minorlyn - Writer
HSP Joyful Insights
7 min readJan 31, 2024


Is it generally true that people with High Sensitivity are introverted? I often ask myself this because when I say, “I am introverted,” people say, “I don’t think so.”

Picture the person who’s the first to notice the faint aroma of lilies in a busy street, the person who feels a room’s buzzing energy change even before the door swings open. These humans belong to the tribe of Highly Sensitive People (HSP). On the same tangent are the introverts who thrive in their inner worlds, often retreating to recharge from the outside noise.

This post delves into the nexus shared by these two unique groups in our society. Let’s explore their shared ground and nuances and unearth strategies for them to thrive confidently within their skin.

Photo by Jurica Koletić on Unsplash

To begin, Highly Sensitive People, as defined by Dr. Elaine Aron, possess a sensory processing sensitivity, leading to a deeper awareness of subtleties in their environments and strong emotional reactions to those subtleties.

You can learn more about the basics of HSP in this post “So… What is HSP ?”.

And introverts? They are individuals who gain energy from within, preferring the calm and quiet of solitary activities to the chaos of large social gatherings, as initially coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.



Minorlyn - Writer
HSP Joyful Insights

full-time HSP and fellow traveler / proofreading & digital transformation for a Japanese news/ jewelry and various stuff crafts mom of a teenager