Who We Are — H. Spectrum

Jeffrey Wu
H. Spectrum
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2018

What we believe…

We want to improve the healthcare of every human being through innovation and we believe Asia has what it takes.

Our vision is to boost the trend of healthcare startups and groom the entrepreneur community in Asia. We aim to seed the concepts of “zero to one” and thinking outside the box to facilitate creativity and innovation.

…Who we are…

H. Spectrum is the first and only startup incubator/accelerator in Asia focusing entirely on the healthcare sector.

The “H” stands for “Healthcare” and “Spectrum” depicts the diversity of fields in healthcare we cater to.

…What we do…

H. Spectrum provides the necessary resources for healthcare startups. Just like you come up with a recipe and we offer the ingredients.

Let’s face it, starting a startup is not an easy task. Besides implementing your brilliant ideas, you will also need to establish your business model, make connections, find investors, secure your intellectual property, come up with a minimum viable product and so much more.

H. Spectrum is here to help and our goal is to guide you through the early stages by offering an entrepreneur training program which provides mentorship, necessary resources, connections to potential investors and chances to shine on our annual healthcare startup conference, TRANS.

…and How we do it

Submission of application to our program starts at October. If we are interested in your ideas and look forward to potential cooperation, we will invite you to an interview at December. We offer two programs, the incubator program for individuals or newly-formed teams, and the accelerator program for early stage companies. The opening for both programs starts in January. Numbers of slots are limited and the entry to the program is expected to be competitive; though we respect every entrepreneur, we cannot accept every applicant.

The very first thing we work with our entrepreneurs is their ideas. This is the most important step of becoming a startup. You will need to define your topic, validate your concept and make sure that it satisfies the market’s unmet needs. Remember, it is ok to change topics or even join others if you are one with great talent and wish to support others. Afterwards, a mentor will be assigned to the teams, guiding them through the 6-month program which includes lectures on how to start a startup, workshops where you can work on your ideas and 1:1 consultation service covering various issues including IP, marketing, financial etc.

H. Spectrum has great connections with Foxconn Medical Business Group as well as other big players in the industry. Making introductions are easy, the harder part is to draw their attention. So that’s why our program also include working on how entrepreneurs nail their pitches and successfully present their ideas to investors and acquirers.

At the end of the program, a demo day will be held for selected teams to pitch in front of a selected audience, including potential investors and acquirers. In addition, you will also get the chance to pitch on our annual healthcare startup conference where we will invite the winning team to join us on our business trip to Silicon Valley.

Partners and Connections…with more on the way…

ScienBizip Group
Legal Counsel from Yonglin Biotech
Redfalcon Computing
Doctor Doctor’s Clinic
Mackay Memorial Hospital
Mackay Biomedical Development Center
Taipei Medical University
Yonglin Biomedical Venture Capital Fund

If you think you have what it takes, what are you waiting for?
Join us now, and connect for a brighter future.

