Building a personal brand on facebook in Myanmar

This is just my opinion, you can disagree

Htet Myat Tun
Htet Myat Tun
2 min readJul 21, 2018


Facebook is basically Myanmar’s most widely used social media platform. According to statistics of We are social Myanmar internet usage boomed in 2017 and 1 out of 4 people uses social media. Despite the presence of professional networking websites like LinkedIn, Facebook has been one of the best platforms to build a personal brand and reach out to other people.

And I have seen people trying to build a professional personal brand on Facebook. So here are a few things I like to point out.

  1. Be yourself

You are building a good image of yourself on social media and you wrote a lie claiming you are a great leader and still many people will take it as a truth. But guess what, people who are around you in real life know the truth. They won’t buy your bullshits from social media. So just be yourself and present yourself in a good way.

2. Don’t be a Burmese Movie character

You know what they do. When they want to portray a character being badass, the character talk about how a badass he is instead of actually doing badass move. The same goes for personal branding. If you wanna show that you know a subject, don’t upload the photos of book on that subject. Instead, you should read the book and simply point out a few good paragraphs or write something about how the knowledge can be applied in real world.

3. Don’t say anything about something if you don’t have certain knowledge

You see someone saying Dollar prices will go down. You are not a specialist in that matter. But you agree with him and share his post without doing your own research. But the dollar price goes up. Now, you made a wrong guess and your followers trust will drop too.

4. Use facts, data and cases

Everyone can write their own feelings and opinions on a matter. But that doesn’t make you look like a professional. If you want to make a statement, do a research, google, check your facts right and then present the case together with the data you gathered. Also, apply your professional knowledge and people will know you’re good at it.

5. You don’t have to make a statement about every trend you see on social media

Unless you are trying to make a living depending on the number of followers or want to be a social justice warrior, I suggest you not to follow every trend you see on facebook. Make a decision on how you want your followers to see you — as someone who involves in every issue happening on facebook or as someone who is good at his work and solves issues which are rleated to his work.


