CDM Stands For….?

Christopher Costa
Digital Marketing Tips
2 min readJan 19, 2017

As the number of worldwide social media users approaches 2.5 billion by as soon as 2018, more businesses than ever are turning to sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more to broaden their appeal and reach a whole new audience. If you think that being active on social media is JUST about sending out as many tweets as possible, or about getting as many people to share your Facebook post as you can, you’re sadly mistaken. You need to think about social media less as a button that you occasionally press and more as the content delivery mechanism it has evolved into.


By the end of the year, 74% of all traffic on the Internet will be video — when you begin to look at Facebook Live, Snapchat and all of the other services currently offering live video distribution, it’s easy to see why. Social video is about to become one of THE most powerful ways to reach your audience using the foundation of social media to your advantage.

People already love video — four times as many customers surveyed said that they would rather watch a video about a particular product than read a blog post about it. Social video is just the latest way to combine your video marketing efforts and your social media efforts into the same channel.


Again, in terms of social media success it’s less about what you’re saying and more about how you choose to say it. You may think of something like Facebook as more of a text-based medium due to the lengthy blog posts all your friends are always writing, but you’re wrong. Infographics, for example, are “liked” and shared more on networks like Facebook three times more than ANY other type of content out there.

*infographic example made by our agency

This means we’ve entered into an age of “show, don’t tell” — even on social media. In order to broaden the reach you’ve already worked so hard to achieve, you need to become a master of not just visual content but SOCIAL video content as well.



Christopher Costa
Digital Marketing Tips

Founder/Creative Director of Boutique Creative Digital and Social Media Marketing Agency in Indianapolis, Indiana.