Don’t Ignore These 2017 Social Media Tips!

2017’s going to be here before you know it, and as you finalize your holiday plans and think about New Year’s resolutions it’s also time to think about your social strategy for the new year. Social media is very flash in the pan and what’s working now might not work over the next 12 months. Here’s some aspects of your overall marketing strategy that you can’t ignore in 2017 when it comes to social media.

Christopher Costa
Digital Marketing Tips
2 min readNov 29, 2016


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1. Your content strategy and how it ties in with your social media presence.

Content is king, and if you haven’t jumped on the content calendar bandwagon yet then you really have to. Regularly posting helpful content goes a long way, and tweeting quality content that your following is hankering for 3 times a day strikes the right balance between silence and spamming. Content can also be evergreen and the best value for your time and money.

2. Live streaming is the hot new thing.

Social media trends come and go, and live streams are the new black right now. Facebook and Twitter are revolutionizing the way that you can share insight with your followers and give them something exclusive. Live streaming is going to be a major part of social strategy for businesses of all sizes come 2017.

3. Optimize your social networking by focusing on the platforms that get the greatest returns.

It’s old news to hop on every single social media platform that comes out, or even just building up presence on all the major channels. Where do you get the most responses? What mediums do you work the best with? If you’re just never on Facebook (or on it more for personal purposes) it’s okay to just focus on LinkedIn if that’s where your traffic is. If you like making bite-size videos, you could make GIFs for Twitter then exclusives for Snapchat. If you’re not just adept with video, you don’t need to build up a YouTube presence. Use your strengths, and see which platforms yield the most engagement. Then focus on them.



Christopher Costa
Digital Marketing Tips

Founder/Creative Director of Boutique Creative Digital and Social Media Marketing Agency in Indianapolis, Indiana.