Can artificial intelligence replace teachers?

V Lakshmi
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2017


Artificial intelligence is drastically changing our lives. While a lot of example shows how effective they are, this show there’s still room for innovations to happen everywhere. They are easy, simple, convenient and faster isn’t this enough to capture anything. Well imagine artificial intelligence replacing teachers in near future?

Can Artificial intelligence blend the mental and physical stage of the students

There are many supporting roles in education will they face the imminent threat of being replaced by artificial intelligence. Nevertheless speed and low cost solution can substitute teachers too.

Although computers can support students with many illustrations, it doesn’t have emotions, apart from this teacher takes students through quality or attitude to support the mental development of the child. Computers can’t replace human sentiments. Artificial intelligence can solve student’s doubts anytime unlike the classroom system.

The teaching aspects of classrooms are different they take through the vivid explanation and understandings unlike Roberts or computer artificial intelligence that requires quiet a lot of understanding to do so.

Apart from studies students require constant support guidance. Teachers play specific role on mental and physical health to keep students focused and conscious in class. It can give students a pictorial representation to learn just by the click of a button. Some students lag behind at times they are scared to approach the teacher nor have they time to explain again and again.

But when it comes to computer, students can click anytime, anywhere to understand the concept. Infact there can be online test on the topic for students to know how much they have learnt. It’s not easy to keep students focused they are distracted sooner or faster, teachers don’t allow this to happen.

Apart from all the benefits students require guidance to run across the stages of life. Computers fail to blend the mental and physical stage of the students. Artificial intelligence can help teachers in class room but they can’t replace other valuable qualities of the teacher. Instead both can be balanced equally.



V Lakshmi

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