4 Silver Linings to the Coronavirus Pandemic

Peter Christian Fraedrich
Published in
6 min readJul 26, 2020


CAVEAT: Let me start off with this so no one misunderstands or spins the title of this thing: the global pandemic we find ourselves in, and the SARS-CoV-2 virus that caused it, are one of the worst things that have happened to the modern world. Half a million people (and counting) have died from it and there’s no planet or scenario where this is acceptable. But as someone who has absolutely no control over any of this its up to me (and you) to try to find positive outcomes of this experience.

Sometimes it takes an Act of God to force change and we currently find ourselves at the business end of one. If there’s one overarching theme to this pandemic its that we were a lot more flexible as a society than we thought, so lets explore a few specific ways that this flexibility is helping out us regular people.

1. Schools (and everyone else) are taking IT more seriously

Here in Fairfax County, VA the response to the pandemic by the school system has been extraordinary. My oldest is 5 years old and graduating from preschool to K5 this year so we’ve been in almost constant contact with her school and county leadership for the past few weeks as they attempt to grapple with what school will look like come August. Part of those plans include mass amounts of students “learning from home”…



Peter Christian Fraedrich

Entrepreneur, software developer, writer, musician, amateur luthier, husband, dad. All opinions are my own.