Digital art creative concepts. Who is it for? FuSe Design Studio. Originality maker.

Giancarlo Antonini
The Board Behind
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2023
credit The Board Behind — image Zeke effect

Presentation of Digital artworks Insieme — Togetherness. Forms of art and how to express them. FuSe Design Studio, creating uniqueness.

Fuja83_have_a_water_flower, mixed technique. — All rights are reserved; any images are protected by a code, and copying, storage, or reproduction in any form is not authorized and strictly prohibited by the copyright owner ©. FuSe Design Studio @fusedesignst

We develop creative concepts and state-of-the-art solutions for you. FuSe Design Studio fusedesignst, creator of original digital art concepts, jewelry design, and haute fashion design for the entire line of models.

Art creative concepts. Who is it for: willingness to participate in art exhibitions and events on art, fashion, cinema, communication, and society.

One digital character artwork (provided to you as a completed file at a size and type of your choice.)

A few examples are shown below. For more information, please feel free to drop a message to 📨

To learn more, click on the video details box.

See how the images match the rest of the presentation in different shades: The journey is only just beginning.

credit, The Board Behind — original image effect

Your jewelry introduces you before you speak.” — Madison Gem

credit The Board Behind — Mercury effect

Which one is your favorite? Please let us know in the comments. Thank YOU.

credit The Board Behind — Artic effect

Last but not least

credit, The Board Behind — Neo effect

We are your source for creative digital art concepts and cutting-edge solutions. ⚜️ #fusedesignst

Thank you for being here today. Thank you for your attention.



Giancarlo Antonini
The Board Behind

Cross-border communications and media relations, E-PR, and Digital PR.